Zena p.o.v
Pulling up to Nadia house I saw Raymond and Tyla. She just don't learn.
"This is where you'll be staying. Come on let's go in." Nadia said. Grabbing my bag I got out the car.
Walking behind Nadia Tyla and Raymond greeted me but I just ignored them. I just want to go to my room and go to sleep.
"Can you please show me to my room." I said while we walked into the house.
"Okay let's go." She said walking me down the hallway to my room.
"Zena I know this a hard time for you due to what happen but I just want what's best." She said which made me scoff.
"Good night." I said about to close the door.
"Wait I'm about to cook dinner would you like to come down." She asked.
"No thank you I'm not hungry." I said closing the door in her face.
"I'm so pissed. Why me I'm a good person." I said to myself.
I just wanna call my dad and go to sleep.
Grabbing my phone I dialed his number and push call and he picked up on the first ring.
My OG👨: Babygirl
Me: Dad I don't want to stay here. I think Tyla and Raymond are staying here too.
My OG👨: What? I'm so pissed off. I should have killed her ass when I had the chance too but no you had to be the bigger person.
Me: *laughing* Dad stop. Then she tried to invite me down to eat dinner with them like no thank you.
Me and my dad talked on the phone for a good hour and I guess he notice I was tired.
My OG👨: Alright baby girl imma let you go it sounds like your tired so Good Night and I love you and also if anything and I mean anything happen call me.
Me: Okay daddy I will Good Night and I love you too.
Hanging up the phone I was sad.
I got my clothes out for my shower. Making sure everything was in my hand I went into the bathroom that was across my room.
Walking into school with the biggest mug. Nadia knows how to piss me off she does the most. Im so ready to go back to my daddy house.
Im late as hell bye a whole hour since she wants to take her time and shit. Going into the office I grabbed a tardy pass and headed to 1st period.
Knocking on the door Mr. Ellis opened the door.
"Good Morning Miss Zena please have a seat and start the due nows." Mr. Ellis said while I handed him the pass.
"Morning." I said going to sit in my seat.
"Baby Girl you hurt my feelings by not texting or calling me last night." Marcus said. I looked over at him with a blank stare.
"I'm sorry but can we speak about what happen over lunch." I said lowly but I'm pretty sure he heard what I said. Nodding his head I laid my head on his shoulder.
For the rest of the class period we did our work but I made sure I talk to him because I didn't want my problems to affect us as a couple. Tiana surprisingly wasn't here today she had a dentist appointment so she wasn't coming in today.
Going through the day it was finally lunch time and I didn't have a apatite to eat. Sitting at the lunch table I waited for Marcus to get his lunch I was alil relieve and sad because the rest of the gang don't have this lunch.
Once Marcus got his food. He walked over to me.
"Baby do you wanna stay in or go outside?" He asked.
"Can we go outside?" I asked grabbing me and his bookbag after he nodded. Since we have fourth lunch it's the last lunch till we go to fifth period.
Going outside we sat on one of the benches they have out there.
"Alright Babygirl what's wrong? Your not yourself today and I know whatever it is you'll get through it." He said my eyes started to water I was trying not to cry. I was starting to see myself as a cry baby.
"After you drop me off. Off the subject for a second why everytime you drop me off home something happens? Anyway I got home and me and Dad was talking and there was a knock on the door I open it. My mother aka Nadia and two cops was at the door. My dad miss a court that we didn't know about over custody for me and she won since he wasn't there. So I have to stay with her. I want to go home I don't want to stay I know something bad is going to happen I feel it in the bottom of my heart. I'm scared I know my 18th birthday like five days away but I can't." I said trying to hold back all my emotions that where ready to come out.
"The worst she got me staying with my aunt and her Husband who has sexually assaulted one of my cousins like why would she do this. She did this out spite I should have told the police how she really broke my rib and puncture my lung but I didn't say anything I just wanted her to leave me alone." I said. He pulled me in his arms.
"Babygirl I'm sorry." He said kissing my forehead.
"It's all good it's not your fault. Hopefully this feeling I'm having is wrong I would hate for things to go south. I'm just going to stay out as ling as possible and come back to shower and sleep. Just repeat it till Tuesday I'm gone." I said looking up at Marcus.
"Well do you wanna come over today?" He asked.
"Tomorrow Dad said he'll be at Nadia's house waiting for me. But can you drop me off?" I asked. He smiled nodding his head.
"Yeah Babygirl that's good and I'm going to pick you up and drop you off too. I dont care what time it is if anything and I mean anything happens call me okay." He said I nodded and just laid my head on him.
I really wish we could stay like this forever.
Hey Hey Hey. Y'all I'm so far behind typing these books. What I like to do is when I publish a chapter five others will be behind it just in case I can't type for a while which happen so now I'm two chapters behind so I got to put in work. Enjoy, Vote, and Comment. Peace✌✌

Teen FictionZena Thompson is a 17 year old senior at Elmor High School. Zena liked keeping to herself so she never made friends she never saw the point. Thats all im going to say at the moment.