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Enver sat on a barstool, toying with the drawstring on his pouch of coin. The tarry wasn't quite full yet, but the early birds were already indulging and filling their air with idle chatter. The smell of meatpies, fresh bread and stew wafted in from the kitchen and the waitresses were getting a fire going in the large hearth.

"Why do you think he left?" someone was asking.

Their companion scoffed. "Who knows? Who cares? He was just a mischievous wretch. And an idiot to boot. Anyone would've killed to be in his place. A cushiony position and he ear of the king? Only a fool would give that up."

"I heard he left because the Yilmaz were after him. I mean, you can't just try to kill those white-faced freaks and get away with it."

"But there are also rumors that he was just bored and went to seek adventure elsewhere."

Someone tapped Enver on the hand, pulling his attention from the idle gossip. He looked up at Anha, who held a crystal bottle of dark brown liquid.

"Here you are. It's the last one," she said.

"Thank you, Anha." He exchanged the pouch of coin for the rum, and headed out, but not before hearing the gossipers call the Swordmaster an idiot.

Leandyr's disappearance had been a hot topic in Abydon. Mainly because it had come without warning. Like a flame in the wind, he'd vanished.

Although Enver missed the Swordmaster, he knew it wasn't his place to judge his decision. He only hoped that wherever Leandyr was, he was safe and healthy.

And happy.

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