Hi, I'm Anna. I'm 13 years old, and have no idea what the outside world is like, because of my parents rule. Never leave this house, or your key will be lost.
I didn't know what it meant, and I had know Idea why it sounded like such a punishment. But about the key, it is something I treasure, because of what it's used for, but since I am 13, it is a bit odd to explain this while actually taking it serious, because it is serious, and whoever says it's not, doesn't understand the pain of when someone actually does say it.October 9 2010
"Don't be scared, just close your eyes, and pull the trigger." Those where the only words I could hear, and it made me terrified. Me, looking up at the scope of the rifle, seeing a rabbit searching for food, with my finger on the trigger, shaking like I was freezing, when I was actually scared.
"Anna, c'mon, make your father proud."
I was so scared, because if I pulled that trigger, is know I'm a killer, and of I didn't, is be known as a coward. A scaredy cat.
"Lets go! Lets go! Anna, pull the trigger!"
Just then, I did it.
The horror I felt when my finger left the trigger, I saw the dead carcass of the rabbit, just lying there, with a hand full of small seeds.
That's how I felt. I felt like that dead bunny. Left there, dead soul, in shock.
My father looked at Me, at my face, my expression. He knelt down beside me.
"Listen to me Anna." He said quietly.
You can't trust much people in this world. Lets take this bunny for example," His finger pointed towards the bunny.
"Lets say this rabbit killed everyone, and yet it looked adorable, and you wouldn't kill it, because of that urge that it looks too innocent. And then it killed You, just like that, then what?"
A tear fell from my eyes, landing on my shirt.
"Ok, let me tell you something, Anna. There's two people in this world. The living, and the dead. The dead, made that choice not to kill that rabbit, and died, and the people who are alive, your mother and I, because both of us made that choice to kill it than leave it. But I don't want you to make the same mistake as the dead did, honey."
I curled up into a ball, and felt just a little more alive inside.
"Understand, Anna." He said.
I nodded slowly and almost hesitated to.
"Alright, let's go." He said picking me up.January 7 2017
So it sounds like a story that I had parents who where trying to keep me alive. I didn't quite understand it at the time, but I sure do now. But that's not even the whole story, but once again I have to take you back, because I can't quite explain it, with a straight face.
October 9 2010
"Mom, I don't feel good." I said, lying down on the couch.
"Yes, I know sweety, just hold on please." She said, tucking me in.
She opened the cabinet door across the room, and took out Advil, and gave me one. She then handed me a glass of water.
"You know how to take it right, Anna."
She said, handing me the water.
"Yes, mommy." I said, putting the Advil in my mouth, then drinking the water.
"Good girl." She said, patting my head.
"Honey!" I heard Dad yell.
Dad rushed in the room with his rifle I used to shoot the rabbit.
"We need to leave now!" He said.
Mom then looked towards Me,than looked back at Dad.
"Why, what's happening?" She said, almost crying.
"There here." He replied, loading the gun with bullets.
"Who's, they?" I asked, standing up, a little dizzy.
"Take her to her room, and make sure she's safe." Dad said, walking outside the door, pumping the rifle, and running out of sight.
All I can remember was my mom carrying me to my room, and her using a key to unlock a door, and putting me into that room,and her handing me a necklace with a key on it.
"Never loose this honey. I love you so much." She said hugging me and crying. Just than she closed the door.
Than all I heard was my parents screams and gun fires.
I than covered my ears with my hands
Sobbing and trying to take out the screams In my head.
And than my mind went black, and the next thing I know, is me in my house, in my bed in my room. I than called out to my parents.
"Mom! Dad!" I yelled." Where are you guys?"
And I kept yelling and yelling throughout the house, and nothing.
Both my parents, where gone.January 8 2017
I woke up in my bed the next day, thinking about my mom and dad.
I than sat up in my bed, put my feet on the ground, stood up, and walked to the kitchen.

What lies behind the door SneakPeak
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever wondered what it would be like having a secret room behind your dresser and not knowing about it for almost 7 years. It sounds fun, until you figure out the deep dark secret about how it came to be, and what lies behind the door, and...