Chapter 23: Testing Waters

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"Emma!" The brunette teacher blinked with surprise as Emma had found herself inside the English classroom during the second half of fourth period.

It was English III as Emma had noticed when she glanced to the slideshow that glowed in the otherwise darkened classroom. She was late to the class- the one that wasn't exactly on her schedule- it being about halfway through the period. It was getting rather boring just sitting in the desolate foyer by herself with nothing to do. She had long finished forging her foster mother's signature onto the schedule-change slip.

It was rather stupid that there had to be a parent's signature on that thing. She was a legal adult, but it was whatever floated Mr. Hopper's goat. She wasn't about to argue with whatever illogical thing they had going on. It would only stir up more drama and probably a phone call to Mary Margaret.

"I'm sorry that I'm late. I got caught up in the counselor's office." Emma gave Regina a sheepish smile as she handed over her schedule. "I thought your class was so fun, that I decided to become a teacher's aide." She smiled cheekily and Ms. Mills just shook her head, giving her a disbelieving look.

"I've got a pass," she lied, handing over a plain, white sheet of paper that held a note for the English teacher to read over.

In the note, Emma had explained in short of her dilemma, hoping to pose as a teacher's aid for whatever class this was going to be. She had begged for Ms. Mills to let her stay in the classroom for the rest of the period and that she would explain everything else in detail after class ended.

Emma stood there and watched as the brunette quickly read over the scrawled words on the paper. The blonde bit her lower lip when mocha eyes narrowed.

"Have a seat." Regina nodded, her lips twitching as she tried to muffle the smile itching to break out.

The blonde grinned and retrieved her schedule from the brunette before turning towards the classroom. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she noticed the room to be rather full. There was only one seat left available, which was of her luck.

Quietly, Emma made her way over to the empty desk, which was coincidentally placed in front of Regina's desk. Once she had settled into the desk, she glanced around the room once again. Since it was English III, the students in this classroom were all a grade below her. And that being said, she didn't know any of them. It wasn't like she would mind, anyways. She wouldn't care to associate herself with any of them.

Emma watched as the teacher headed back to the front of the room, her huskily voice filling the otherwise quiet space and all of the blonde's immediate senses. It made her feel warm.

Green eyes sated over the older woman's physique. She still wore the black skirt and red blouse that Emma had woken to that morning. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of said attire askew as they had made love.

The way that her skirt had been bunched at her waist, showing off the soft, olive skin on her taut, muscular thighs. Or the way that her shirt had been unbuttoned to show off her lacy bra and the exposed breast that Emma had managed to pull out in haste to pleasure her.

Emma shifted uncomfortably in her desk, sinking incredibly low in the chair as her womanhood had started to ache with need.

Oh, god, why was she doing this to herself? The two of them were closer than ever now and here she was, sitting in a class that wasn't even her own just to have that woman close. And as a teacher's aid at that, whatever the hell they were supposed to do.

Emma nearly groaned to herself at that thought and pressed her legs tightly together. Perhaps she shouldn't do this. Why did she even come in here in the first place? She was only teasing herself, really. And if she were to get into the Creative Writing II class, what was the point of coming in here fourth period?

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