Picture above is Vanny (Alexandra daddario)
Enjoy :)
"Paul!" Nico catching up while the entire class left the room.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"Yeah. You?" catching his breath. You could think of kissing him "accidentally" and make an excuse. I must focus!
Then soft hands landed on my shoulder. I looked, seeing Vanny. She still has her earphones on.
"Hi Nico, Paul where you headed?" She asked. Nico gave a quick smile then looked at me.
"Yeah. You happen to know an abandoned gym somewhere inside this school? I asked. Her eyes widen.
"I do. Why would you go there?" She asked perplexed.
"Well. Someone invited me too. What's in there? You look terrified." I'm starting to feel shaky. If I'm gonna get bullied again, I have to prove to myself, to Vanny, and to Nico that I can fight back.
"No. But I heard rumors about it. You wanna find out?" She has this inviting look.
"So what about the rumors?" Nico asked from besided me.
"They closed the gym five years ago. When a group of students went there and went completely missing, then the following day, they're bodies are found on different places." My eyes widen at the mystery.
"Really? They're not even on the news" Nico replied. Surprised.
"Well. They ARE rumors." Vanny emphasized.
"How did they even know that the students went there?" I asked.
"I don't know. Maybe there's a CCTV. I never went near there." Vanny then checked her phone switching her music.
"Who would invite you there? Is'nt it weird?" She added.
Both Nico and I shared curious looks.
"I don't think going there would be a very good idea." Nico gave me a worried look.
"Don't worry about me. You wanna come? You can go home now if you want. Vanny and I will be going." I looked at Vanny. She's just like me. Curious girl.
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm coming with you." Nico sigh heavily then looking at my eyes straight. " I got your back"
"Alright. Let's head there." feeling anxious.
We headed down stairs from the second floor. We past the cafeteria then went sneaky to a closed old doorway. When three of us managed to get through, I was amazed at how thick the forest forming the outsides. I looked above the school building where we came from, I observed all windows are closed. I looked around. This place must be really abandoned. Not far from where were standing, there's a huge building covered with thick moss but there are still visible parts of the building. That must be the gym.
"It's more than just an abandoned gym. This place is rejected" I said with an anxious tone.
Nico and Vanny are still looking around ignoring me. They're uneasy. We went near the building. Standing infront of the entrance we share flat looks.
"You guys ready?" Vanny said. Looking at us giving a signal to open the door.
Three of us shared the same looks and...
"Before three" Nico said.
We all looked back surprised with that heavy husky voice. Mr. Bruno. Were screwed.
"GET BACK HERE. NOW!" He sounded so angry.. We quickly left the spot and went to Mr. Bruno.
"My office you three!" He watched us with furious look..
Nico looked down and Vanny looked at me.
"Let's go" I whispered.
The three of us sitting on a bench infront of Mr. Bruno's table. Nico at the center. I'm on his left and Vanny on the other side. The door opens with heavy footsteps. Indicating that Mr. Bruno came inside...... With the school prefect of discipline.
Mr. Bruno sat infront of us and standing not so far is Mr. Meio. Wearing a formal attire. His face is stern I think around 55 years old, older than Mr. Bruno. Bruno is around 30, middle aged man.
"You know those place are offlimits right?" Mr. Bruno voice softens.
"I'm really sorry Mr. Bruno. It won't happen again." Nico said.
Vanny and me looked at Nico ridiculously.
"Well?" Mr. Bruno asked looking at us specificaly to me and Vanny.
I nodded and Vanny did the same.
"I guess that is settled then. Good children." Mr. Meio said. Then he left.
"What is he even doing here?" Vanny asked out of the sudden.
"Some students are so stubborn to understand. If that happens, he's ready to smack you in the face." Mr. Bruno joked.
We smiled at that. I don't like what happened. We were so close, what will happen to the person invited me in that gym? Why am I even smiling?
"You may go home now. Paul, stay."
Nico shot me a weird look.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Nico asked
"Yeah I'll be fine." I replied. Then they left the office. Nico gave ma a last look then finally left.
I turned to face Mr. Bruno who is drinking a bottled water.
"You need something?" I asked.
"Nothing actually." he replied. Curious I stood up.
"So... What?? I should probably go back to my dorm now." He looked at me.
"No." He came closer to me, putting his bottle to his table. I smell his manly sent. It's dominating. Theres a stench of alchohol.
"Have you been drinking Mr. Bruno?" I asked starting to panick.
"Yes. Forgive me. I'm just so lonely these days." His sexy husky voice softens. Making me feel relaxed. And hard.
He continuously getting closer. His left arm holding my right side of hips. His breath is hard and hot I can feel it in my cheeks.
"Mr. Bruno, not so close. " I managed to tell him.
"Paul, you're the sexiest student I ever seen. If you allow me.. I can-"
Before he could finish his sentence our mouths suddenly touched. I kissed him. I kissed him passionately. He was lonely and so am I.
I kissed him hungrily.
Paul, what are you doing.
I have a need too. It feels so great. He's so big and strong. I can feel my knees weakening. Why do people can't be straightforward like Mr. Bruno? I realized that this is what I wanted. Someone to kiss.