Chapter 1 The names

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(Y/N)=your name
(H/C)=hair color
You can choose the gender that's why I put son and daughters name 🙃
(S/N)=Sons name
(D/N)=Daughters name 
Also u already gave birth to ur child their only a few months old sooo yeah
(F/C)=favorite color
Your p.o.v. 
I woke up to my alarm going off I woke up and sat up in my bed I grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm.I got up and went to go get ready for the day to head to school it's one of my favorite places on earth.Like can't you tell how excited I am if you can't it's called sarcasm.I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a (f/c) t-shirt.I removed my pajamas and put on the new pair of clothing.I grabbed my converse and put them on I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.I saw my brother Jared eating some cereal,"Hey bath boi."I said while placing my backpack on the table
"Hey ready for another great day in hell."He said I went to go grab a bowl and a box of my favorite cereal.I poured the cereal into my bowl,"You know it."I replied while grabbing the milk and pouring it into my bowl of cereal.I grabbed a spoon out and went with my bowl of cereal to the kitchen table and started eating my cereal.My mom walked into the kitchen with (S/D/N son or daughters name) in her arms,"Look who woke up."my mom said in a happy tone I smiled and stretched my arms out to hold (S/D/N) my mom handed her/him over.I held him/her in my arms and placed a kiss on her/his cheek I put them on my lap while eating my cereal with my free hand,"You know I think they want to be held by their insanely cool uncle."Jared said I laughed,"Yeah right."I said
"You can tell he/she wants to be held by me look at his/her face they love me."Jared said while walking over to the baby who was sitting on my lap.Jared picked up the baby and held her/him.Jared was talking to the baby and giving her/him kisses all over her/his face she/he giggled,"See she/he loves the insanely cool uncle Jared Kleinman."Jared said while placing her/him onto his hip I nodded and laughed,"Okay then."I said laughing I looked over at the time,"Oh shoot we gotta go,"I said while grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulders.My brother handed the baby over to my mom I placed a kiss onto (S/D/N) cheek,"Bye sweetheart."I said while waving,"Bye mom see you after school."I said while giving her a quick hug,"Come on bath boi let's go!"I said while walking out the door.~timeskip~
Me and my brother walked into the school doors barely even making it on time.I saw kids at their lockers and other kids talking to their friends.Me and Jared started walking to our lockers.Then I noticed one of Jared's "friend" walk over towards us,"Hey Evan."I greeted nicely with a smile.
"H-hi..."he replied shyly I noticed he had a cast on his arm,"Oh wow what happened to your arm?"I asked
"Oh well I-I umm fell out of a tree.."he replied
"What are you?An acorn?"my brother asked I elbowed him on the side,"Ow." My brother said while holding his side I smirked.
"D-do you guys maybe wan-want to ummm sign it?"Evan asked I smiled at Evan
"Of course I'll sign it."I replied Evans face lit up,"You got a sharpie?"I asked he nodded he grabbed a sharpie out of his bag.Jared might not be his true friend but Jared still cares for him he just doesn't show it.Me on the other hand I adore Evan he's such a nice little cinnamon roll.He wouldn't hurt a fly me and Evan have been friends for a really long time and I've gotten to know Evan really well.Evan handed me the sharpie I grabbed the pen and wrote my name on it and put a little smiley face next to it.I put the cap onto the pen and handed it back to Evan,"Do you maybe umm want to sign my cast J-Jared?" Evan asked
"Why are you asking me?"Jared asked
"Well maybe because I thought we're you know friends..."Evan said
"We're family friends that's like a whole different meaning and you know it."Jared said Evan put the sharpie back into his backpack.I patted Evan on the shoulder I put my stuff into my locker and grabbed the things I needed and closed it.Jared,Evan, and I started walking we started talking.Within the middle of our conversation we walked into Connor Murphy no one talks to him because he's what people call a "freak"
"Hey Connor loving the new hair length very umm school shooter chic."Jared said Connor stared at him with a blank face,"It's just a joke."Jared said
"Oh no I'm laughing can't you tell.Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"Connor said sarcastically
"Your such a freak."Jared said laughing Jared walked away.Evan awkwardly laughed.Connor looked over at him,"Why are you laughing?"Connor asked
"N-no I-I wasn't..."Evan said
"Hey look he didn't mean it we're going to leave right now anyways."I said before things escalated.I grabbed Evans arm and started walking with him to class,"That was close.."I said
"Y-yeah it was..."Evan said nervously.
"Well don't worry I always got your back."I said while looking over at him and smiled.I looked back and saw Connor walking away.I looked away and kept walking with Evan~timeskip to lunch~I was waiting for Jared and Evan to get out of class so I could eat lunch with them.I don't have any other friends besides my brother and Evan before I used to have friends but they didn't want to be friends with a "slut".I saw Connor walking by,"Hey Connor!"I called out he looked over at me but kept walking.I groaned I ran over to him and grabbed his arm.He stopped and looked over at me,"What?"he snapped
"I just wanted to say sorry about my brother he can be rude sometimes and I just wanted to say sorry."I said while looking at him directly in the eyes.He had really gorgeous eyes.He didn't say anything,"Ummm do you maybe want to sit with us for lunch.I'll make sure my brother won't say anything to you." 
"I don't know."he said,"What about that kid you were with won't he freak out or something?"he asked
"He'll be more nervous than freaked out."I said he seemed to be thinking.
"Ummm I guess?"he said but more like a question.I smiled at him,"Cool once you get to know them you'll really like them."I said while walking with Connor he just hummed in response.I saw my brother Jared and Evan sitting at our lunch table.I went and sat down with them with Connor sitting next to me,"What's he doing here?"Jared growled I glared at him,"Well I invited him to sit with us got a problem?"I growled back Jared just rolled his eyes.Evan kept wiping his hand on his shirt.We started eating our lunch it was kinda weird but at least Jared didn't say anything else to Connor.I looked around the cafeteria and saw people looking at me and started whispering things.I looked down at my food.
"You okay?"I heard Connor ask I looked up at him and smiled,"Yup definitely."I said he just nodded and went back to eating.I stared at Connor and noticed small details about him.I looked away and went back to eating.The bell eventually rang I groaned,"I don't want to go to class."I mumbled.We all got up from the table and threw away our trash.~timeskip to after school~
Me and Jared got home I walked into the living room and threw my backpack onto the couch.I saw my mom sitting on the couch,"Hey mom."I greeted
"Hi sweetie."she greeted smiling,"Where's Jared?"she asked
"I think he went to his room."I said
"Oh okay."she said
"I'm going to my room to."I said my mom nodded.I went upstairs and went to my room.Before I opened the door I heard talking in there I quietly opened the door and saw Jared talking to (S/D/N).I smiled I finally walked in,"Oh hey."I said acting like I didn't know what happened.Jared looked over at me,"You scared me."he said I laughed,"Whoops sorry."I said while laying on my bed.
"So why did you invite Connor over to sit with us?"Jared asked sitting next to me on my bed.
"Because I felt bad because you called him a freak so while you were still in class I apologized to him about what you did."I explained Jared didn't say anything,"Why did you call him that anyways?"I asked sitting up
"I don't know.."he said
"Maybe the apology should've came from you and not me.I can't keep doing things for you."I said
"Yeah."he mumbled
"I got Connors number."I said,"I'll give it to you so maybe you could apologize.."I said
"When did you get his number?"he asked
"After school."I said giggling.He sighed,"Fiiiinne."Jared groaned I laughed,"Well I think it's time for me to sleep."I said Jared got up and nodded,"Okay well see you later."He said while walking it of my room and closed the door.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Heyyy shippers I decided to make this and I didn't know how to end it sooo yea hope u enjoyed it byyye 😁

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