Melodys pov:
'wake up!!!its morning'Dianna yells at me I sit up groaning
A light flows from the trap door"Whhyyy "I whine
she rolls her eyes not answering I shrug it off and climb up the stairs and open the trap door
"I think we should get some money "I mumble going back down the stairs I change clothes and grap my guitar before walking back up stairs I make sure everything is where it should before climbing back out the window.
I make sure no one is around before walking back the way I came, looking at every little thing so I will know where to go when I come back.
When I get to town walk town the side walk beside the cemetery
'Those woods are weird' Dianna states
"What do you mean they seem fine to me"I say as I try to find a good spot
'i felt differnt like there was a pressure on me or something maybe there demon proof ' Dianna states
I smile a bit
"I wouldnt mind staying in this town were hidden that old house we can fix up and all we have to do is watch out for who ever was walking around last night"I mumble'theres a good spot'Dianna says
I nod and walk over to the well populated area sitting down on a step laying down a peice of clothe on the ground infront of me I pull up my guitar and start to strum making people stop before I start to sing
"West Virginia Blue ridge mountain blue old river Life is old an older than the trees younger than the mountains rolling like a breaze "I start the leaves on the ground blow up and shape mountains and blow by making me smile
"Country roads take me home to a place I belong west vergina montain momma take me home country roads "I continue the dust in the road turns to a man and waves and he starts walking in place as dust blows on his feet acting like he's walking
"All my memories gather round her like a stranger to the waters. Dark and dusty painted on the sky whiskey taste the moon shine tear drop in my eyes "
The leaves become a girl and she turns as the man reaches out for her"country roads take me home to a place I belong west virgina mountain momma take me home country roads "I continue I sing as the man continues to walk
"Id hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me the radio reminds me of my home far away driving down the roads I get a feeling that I shouldve been home yesterday yesterday"
The man starts to run" country roads take me home to a place I belong vest virgina mountain momma take me home country roads take me home country roads "I sing ending the song the leaves and dust clump to the ground and crowd claps not knowing what happened as I made it only I'd see the story.
Soon enough money is tossed down onto my clothe I smile wave as they leave picking up the bonnette I count my money 20$ all togeather I tap my chin thinking putting the money in my poket I strum some more songs and gain more money soon enough
I have 50$ smiling I put it in my back pocket amd walk over to a store buying some lighter lamps a lighter food.
And some drinks along with an ice chest with ice when I'm done I pay for my things and keep what I have left in my back poket saving it for when its needed grabbing my things I race back to the abandoned house and climb through the window with all my things
when I'm inside I set my things down and sigh
"You here Dianna "I ask
'yes I always am'she states
I nod

The Musical Story Teller
FanfictionThis story is about a girl that is half demon half human and she can manipulate anything she wants when she sings but if she sings a dark song her demon comes out. Demons try and catch her as they made mistake because they accudently gave her these...