Hoseok's Pov
How will I get 1 million won?! None of the members have that type of money except taehyung but he'll ask me why I'll need it and he'll tell all the members! Ugh, I don't care hoseok if It means saving y/n then I'm gonna do it!
"What hobi?"
"I need 1 million won to save y/n she got kidnapped...."
"Okay, I won't question you but here the money.."
Then I called back the number.
"Hello?" A voice said
"I'm y/n's boyfriend and I have the money.."
He laughed for a minute then he talked
"Oh really? That was fast I'll send you the address."
"Meet me here in an hour."
"What about in 30 minutes?"
"I'll be waiting and If you don't make it on time I'm impregnating y/n."
"I'll be waiting."
Then he ended the call."
I grabbed the keys and put the address in the van then drove not caring about the speed limit
in 30 minutes I reached the mansion I called him.
"Yeah, it's me I'm here."
"Walk inside I'll be waiting for you in the living room with y/n of course."
I carried the suitcase with all the money and I walked into the living room and I say y/n with bruises and cuts and it looked like she was in pain I looked at the man who did this and saw it was my old friend
"Wait so your y/n's boyfriend?!"
"Her dad sold her to me I didn't know and I wasn't going to impregnate her I just said that to make her afraid I just needed a maid..."
"Oh, baekhyun are you serious?"
"Yeah here is her and If you gonna propose to her invite me to the wedding!"
"Apologize to her. Now!"
"Fine. I, Baek Hyun is sorry for hurting you and making you afraid." Then he bowed
"If you see my father again Feel free to kill him." Y/n said patting his shoulder
"Come on y/n lets go back to the hospital."
"Ugh! But hobi it's boring there!!"
"I'll stay with you."
"Prowmies?" Y/n said in a babyish voice
"Yes, I promise."
Then we went back to the hospital.
I'm sorry that I published chapter 17 before chapter 16 I already published chapter 16 so check it out before you read this okay? Bye!

RandomWhat happens when A girl falls in love with Jung Hoseok? Will they face any challenges? Or not? Completed! Things that changed: Taehyung changed to taehu Jungkook changed to junghoo