This is all real, none of this is fake, I experience these things in real life.
But here is my info, like basically what I'm am.
Name: Will
Age: 14
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Animals: 9 ( 5 Dogs, 4 Puppers )
Started: January 24, 2018GeT reAdY fOr a dIpshIT bOok FoR a YeAr!!
My Life 2018 (Basically a Diary)
AdventureSOO, sIncE i HavE a WiLd mInd aNd eXpErIencE wiLd thInGs, i DeCiDeS tO mAKe a dIarY I wIll pOsT eVerYdaY. GeT reAdY fOr a DiPshIt bOoK!! ( I will start a new one every year!! )