The Meeting

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Meeting


Seeing the picture of him with that infamous grin and thumbs up made her heart ache.

It'd been years now, and a part of her couldn't forget what they shared.

The chipmunk set the picture on the counter. She stared at it a little longer, brushing her fingers through her hair subconsciously. Memories would flood back to her every time she saw the picture.

The sound of his laughter. The feel of his touch when they were actually together.

Then the sounds of machines whirring as they blew up. The screams of not just children, but their parents as well. Watching her people die.

Memories that wouldn't ever leave.

Some good. Some nightmares.

Yet despite the years of fighting not only Eggman but herself, the one they used to call Princess was now just an ordinary being.

"Living a boring life," Sally whispered to herself. She reached into one of the many boxes that held her past. There were pictures of her old friends mostly. Nothing of hers from Mobius made it to Earth - so everything she had was relatively new. "Or at least as new as eight years can be."

Living two years with some of the group...hell, she didn't even make it the full two years. After her and Sonic broke up, she went alone. She was the first of the team to go it alone in the big, new world they had to learn to call home.

She traced features of her friends' faces, trying to remember them without pictures. She could never forget though. Sally didn't need the pictures. But sometimes it felt good to come back to the pictures.

Because now people knew her as Ally Scorn.

"But these people...they knew me."

"You're having an identity crisis," a voice interrupted her alone time.

"Peter!" Sally exclaimed, dropping the picture to the kitchen counter and turning to the open doorway. Her boyfriend stood with a small, understanding smile on his muzzle. "What are you doing? I thought you left for guy's night."

"I saw you went to the closet," the familiar cat sauntered towards her, "and I couldn't help but wonder."

Turning back around, she gave him a weak grin in return as he approached her from behind. Warm arms embraced her. Sally closed her eyes and leaned against his chest in comfort. She hummed softly as he kissed her temple.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

Sally was grateful for Peter Worthington - she truly was. He had shown up in her life at a time she didn't know that she needed him. The moment she let her walls down though, was the moment that she decided Peter could stay for as long as he wanted.

He understood her past and he understood her wants for her future. Peter knew when not to touch on sensitive subjects. He knew when Sally just needed to be Sally rather than someone else.

"I'm fine. Just...thinking."

"Need someone to talk to?" The cat twisted her around to face him before wrapping his arms around her waist again. "I'm a great listener, so I'm told."

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