Getting Started

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*Hey there everyone I'm really sorry I have writers block for this story for sum reason cause I feel like it's going no where for some reason but here I am again, but I'm hoping I update this more."


The boys had more your dates. I stayed for a couple days then went back home, alone I talked to my aunt and cousin everything was fine. Of course if Logan were to find out it would ruin him causing him to go into a killing spree to find my father. I didn't need Logan or my father killing each other. I called the police department to check on the case they told me it was a male and a female they ran out before they could capture them. maybe it was my father and a new girlfriend..... great more trouble ahead just what I needed. I laid down just to process the information.

"What to do." I mumbled to myself. I got off of my bed to find an email. it was from Scott. it was a script. I printed it out and left on the counter I grabbed a highlighter and highlighted my parts. I set se coffee up and started making notes on the script. I headed to the studio to find Scott in his office.

"Hey Scott. I had a questioned."

"Of course anything. What is it?"

"I was reading the script and I'm bussing this is the episode we separate."

"Yes that's correct is there something wrong?"

"No it's just a little weird since me and Logan are going out so yeah."

"Don't worry it won't ruin yours."

"Yeah I guess. Do you need any help around here."

"Actually the costume designer is here go try some things on and see if Logan will wear anything that we have. Since you know him pretty well."

"Yeah thank you."

"Oh and some lady from a show asked to see when you are available for an interview."

"Oh yeah did she leave a number?"

"Yes she is, it's the same one from the one a couple months ago regarding your life and all."

"Oh okay sounds good. Thank you Scott see you later." I said smiling and going into the costume designers room, where she was surprised to see me.

"Hey Scott, sent me here."

"Oh you are Logan's girlfriend right?"


"Perfect so I chose three outfits for what he is like as a person mixed with his character." She hung them on the rack and I looked at each one.

"I like the gray suit and this one." I said pointing to a black jean with a white c-neck shirt with sunglasses hanging from the shirt.

"Okay perfect. Scott mentioned you having an interview."

"Yes I do."

"I was wondering is Logan showing up?"

"Oh I don't know his flight comes in later today or maybe three in the morning. I can ask then text you when I get an answer."

"That sounds great." She said taking a relief sigh. I grabbed my bag and headed back to the car and drove home. I got into the home and changed to comfortable clothes grabbed my laptop and started calling Logan on Skype. He picked up.

"Hey babe. What's up?"

"Hey I was wondering what time are you going to be home?"

"Well actually I just landed at LAX so I should be home in a couple minutes." I was excited because he was here and I will get to see a concert or two before they end the tour.

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