Day One - Part One (The Back Entrance)

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It's my first day here at supernatural high. where all monsters and cryptids, even spirits, can go to school together. im rose lalonde. im a witch. im one of the few students allowed to bring a pet with me to school, my familiar jaspers. 

when i was young, my small kitty jaspers suffered a terrible fate. he died of causes unknown. i was my mother's apprentice at the time and i went through her books and brought him back to life. i had never thought he would want to talk to me. though the spell does have that after affect. (my cat speaks to me in clear english. it is so strange.) he never suffers the same aging process other living beings do because of the spell i used (not sure what i did i was small) but it mustve been something good. he seems to be happy??? 

Anyhow. I have successfully arrived at the gates with jaspers in my backpack, i have it unzipped so he can breath no worries. Its quite dark and quiet here? hmm. thats a bit strange. I guess i arrived early? I'll wait here with jaspers then. maybe feed him a bit. 

ROSE: Wait? Jaspers? Do you hear that? 
ROSE: It's getting closer? Like.. footsteps? You think school is starting? 
ROSE: I understand this my dear fuzzy friend. though i cannot tell if we are in danger or if this is a friend. 
ROSE: Ugh.
???: HI!
ROSE: AHHH!!!! OH!! o HH! oh youre. Just. 
???: OH! A new student hello! 
the new friend?? held out their hand for me to shake it
ROSE: umm 
i shook their hand. it was warm and.. kind of like a.. paw? maybe they where? a werewolf?
JADE: SORRy to startle you! i get so excited when i meet new people! i smelled you from miles away and tracked you to the gates! i see youre lost!
ROSE: oh? i am? 
JADE: mhm mhm! sure are! these are the back gates, magic pal! these dont open during the day!
ROSE: oh. well damn. 
JADE: well! we all make mistakes our first day! common ill show you the front entrance! 
ROSE: alright let me get my familiar! 
JADE: getchyer kittyyyy
ROSE: time to go!
JASPERS: okay. i have eaten. we shall leave.

god i cant believe i went to the back entrance. UGH. this cute girl followed me here... kinda creepy but.. cute.. i dont know. both? maybe. i mean shes like "creepy cute" maybe cuz shes like... a werewolf ya know haha... fuck im dumb. 

JADE: WE ARE HERE! and not a second late! 
ROSE: h. hhh ,. holy s., holy shit. 
JADE: yeah?? aint it great! 
ROSE: yeah. fuck. its huge!!!! 
JADE: back entrance makes it seem like shit tho! 
ROSE: yeah..
JADE: so whats your first class? is it a core or an electiveeeee!!!!!!!
ROSE: core. core.
JADE: OOOOOOO whch one! is it one of the human ones!! 
ROSE: well i guess?  if its core. 
JADE: ugghhhh... nothing here is for humanssss.... i know. you were BORN a human and you transferred here so you dont get that. but i meant the one where you can still blend into normal civilization which i think is the human one?
ROSE: oh.. um.. yeah! thats my first class!
JADE: oh! OH! mine too! OH! :D!
ROSE: how did you do that. what.
JADE: oh this :D 
ROSE: yeah
JADE: never mind that lets go off to class!!!

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