23rd November, 2017
I took another look at the address on the back of the paper to confirm if it was really where I was. I couldn't remember being to this part of San Francisco before.
And right now I didn't want to think of how stupid it was of me to drive out all the way here all by myself, in a bid to confront whoever has been stalking me.
If I'd have had to tell anybody it would have been Cecile and the next second she'd be telling her husband Bradley and the next minute this place would probably be swarming with FBI agents.
Finally, reaching the door I press the doorbell next to the fine Oakwood door, it was a pure work of artistry. Thirty seconds later the door slowly creaked open and that should have been my first warning to leave.
Stepping into the foyer I notice the leviathan state of the art designed living room. Well polished shelves that homed even better polished athletic awards.
"Lucile??" and I almost threw up my heart as I spun to the direction of that familiar voice. Hearing his voice was a shock, but seeing his face was unexplainable. I couldn't describe it, so I simply walked up to him and slapped him across the face.
"what did you do that for?" he asked sincerely mortified as he rubbed his face and stared at me.
It was true, he really had a British accent now and he looked even better than how Hannah had described him. My Vincent was impeccably dripping in finesse.
But I was angry. And heart broken??
"eleven years Vincent, no calls, no texts, no mails. Eleven years since I made a fool out of myself and you just took off without even saying a word." apparently, I looked like I was going to cry as I went on.
"no one knows where you are, what you do and then you come back and start to stalk me. For real?"Okay now I think I wasn't angry anymore. I was mad. And furious.
"you still don't watch the news, do you?"
wait, was he smiling? No! He was smirking, and why did he look so good? I mean real good.
"after all I just said, you ask about TV? You're still crazy Vincent "
"yes I am Lucile" how he reached for my hands I had no idea but his next words stunned "I am crazy for you, I love you Lu"
"don't say things you don't mean"
"I mean it Lu, and I'm sorry that I couldn't be man enough to take it when you told me first"
"well I didn't tell you,you saw it"
and he laughed, that one recipe of goodness that helped me years back, his laughter hadn't changed. Hardly anything about him changed, he only just attained an accent. Then that subtle masculinity he possessed now. He was a work of art.
"but you were going to, and that doesn't matter. Eleven years is long enough time to realize that I can't live without you"
"stop it Vincent, it's not an obligation to love me back. I've never been your type. The hot, sexy one with skirts that end before they even started and itchy pompoms"
"No Lu, you don't call your kind hot or sexy, you're simply beautiful"
And I no longer looked like I was going to cry because as he drew me to himself and wrapped his arms around me I felt my tears drop onto his chest.
"I'm sorry Lu"
"I love you Vincent"

Shadowed ✔️
Short Story"No Lu, you don't call your kind hot or sexy, you're simply beautiful" Lucile Evans is not your everyday drop dead gorgeous brunette, her inner beauty is what makes her simply beautiful. She might not be attractive like her fraternal twin sister Ce...