Anna woke up to her blaring alarm. Was it morning already? She had found it difficult to sleep last night, too busy thinking about what had happened. She now thought of that police box. It must have been a dream. She shook her head of the crazy thoughts and weird Mr. Smith and started to get ready for school.
She ran into her form room dripping wet and sat in her seat at the back. It had started raining just as she had set off and she was late already so she didn't have time to get her coat. She sat alone as her tutor drearily took the register then they were allowed to go to first lesson.
The day passed slowly. Anna had dismissed yesterday's antics as a crazy dream.She didn't have any lessons with Joe until Physics, last lesson. She was looking forward to it really. She wanted to tell Joe about the dream and if he thought it was crazy too. Her attitude changed quickly when she walked into physics to see Mr. Smith standing at the front of class.
Oh no.
"Good afternoon Anna, are you having a good day?" He said as if nothing had happened the day before.
"Umm... Yes sir." She replied hastily as she rushed to her seat next to Joe who was already there.
"You alright? You've gone white as a sheet." He commented.
"I guess I must be a little tired." She said leaning her head in her hands, trying to order her thoughts. Mr. Smith was here, it wasn't a dream. She quickly glanced towards the closed cupboard door. Was the police box in there still?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Smith starting the lesson.
"Right then class, I have been informed that you're supposed to be learning about radioactivity. Can anyone tell me the radioactivity of a banana?" He said with a grin.
Everyone looked blankly at him. Apart from Anna. She knew this. It had been the homework task last week. To research the radioactivity of various common household items. She shakily raised her hand.
"Yes, Anna!"
"0.1 sieverts sir." She muttered so the rest of the class wouldn't think that she was a total nerd.
"I'm sorry? I couldn't quite hear that. Could you speak up for me please Anna?" Dammit. Of course he heard. He's just trying to make a fool of her she knew it.
"0.1 sieverts sir." Anna spoke up. She was starting to get annoyed and was developing a dislike for this teacher.
"Well done Anna! Yes so that's 0.1 sieverts, not likely to harm you in any way, just background radiation and whatnot. Which is good because I like bananas, bananas are good."
The rest of the lesson went on in very much the same way. Mr. Smith asking random questions and mainly Anna answering them. She was relieved when the bell finally went.
"Good lesson today! I won't be seeing you until next week so I want you to research nuclear fusion bye!" He said while running out the door.
"Well that was weird." Joe said.
"What was?"
"Didn't you notice? For the last five minutes he was fidgeting and had a worried look on his face and just now he ran out the door!"
Anna hadn't noticed. She had been doodling little police boxes in the back of her physics book.
"You walking home?" He asked when he started towards the door.
"Nah you go ahead. I want to ask Mr. Smith something." she replied. She was eager to have another look at the box. Just to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.
When the classroom had emptied and Mr. Smith still hadn't come back Anna yet again dumped her bag on a desk and made her way towards the storage cupboard. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and opened the door. She peeked through her eyelids only to open them wide. The police box was still here. She tried the door only to find it locked.
"You still want to see?" Anna almost jumped out of her skin.
"Mr. Smith I'm sorry I didn't see you I just wanted to look-"
"Anna, it's fine. And my name's not Mr. Smith."
"What?" She was very confused.
"Mr. Smith, it's not my real name."
"Then what's your real name..." Anna was starting to get worried. Here she was in a storage cupboard in an empty classroom with a man she didn't know at all.
"The Doctor."
"The Doctor?" Anna was surprised. "Doctor who?"
"Just the Doctor." He replied lightly. "Now, you wanted to see?" He said, holding up a key and moving towards the box. He didn't wait for a reply he just unlocked the door and strode in confidently like it was his home.
Anna followed him cautiously, but still couldn't keep back her amazement at the size of the place. Her mouth was open again and she turned around while walking forward, trying to take it in.
"H-how is this possible?" She finally managed to gasp out. It was more a question to herself than a question to Mr. Smith, or the Doctor whatever his name was. Nevertheless, he answered.
"Oh it's quite simple really. It's just two different dimensions that are squeezed into one space. It would be quite difficult for any human but with a bit of Time Lord technology it's as easy as pie." He said quickly and ending with a cheesy grin.
"Time Lord...." Anna stared at him blankly.
"Oh yes I haven't introduced myself properly have I? How rude of me, I need to stop doing that, being rude... Anyway I'm the Doctor and you are Annabell Taylor, 16, you live with your mum, your dad left a few months ago your favourite colour is green, like jungle green not lime green and you'd love to see the stars." He avoided the question nicely.
She just gaped at him.
"Y-you're not from around here are you?" She finally got out.
"Oh you wouldn't believe how far away." He replied, folding his arms over his chest.
Anna seemed to gain some confidence in this challenge.
"Oh yeah? Try me." He just raised his eyebrows. "America?"
"Not even close!"
"Oh I don't know, the moon!?" Anna said out of annoyance. He had to be from an English speaking country as he had an English accent.
"Well I guess that's closer." He said with a smirk.
"Wait, what?" Anna caught herself. Did he say that the moon was closer?
"Well, only a little closer. I'm from a place 250 million light years away from here."
She couldn't believe her ears.
"250 million-"
"Yes! Now enough chit chat, let me show you something." He said, shutting her up. He flicked a switch on the control panel thing which made the doors shut. He then danced around the middle pillar, flicking switches, pulling levers and hitting buttons.
"Ready?" He said, holding onto a lever ready to pull.
"For what?"
"Hold on" he said with a grin. "Allons-y!"

Explore The Stars (Doctor Who Fanfic)
FanfictionAnna is just a 16 year old English girl who is plodding through her bullied life at school. Until the Physics supply teacher catches her by surprise by teaching her more than she ever thought possible... (10th doctor fanfiction. Just to say, Anna do...