William Byers x Reader: Heat

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This is based off when me and AshlynScamander would make up mini oneshots on Snapchat.

The title sounds dirty lol, wtf is wrong with me?

This one will be short.

I weeped as I looked at my boyfriend in pain, I was sweating like there was no tomorrow.

Joyce held me close to her, she knew how fragile I was right now, I weeped into her green jacket, it was very hot in the room.

Many heaters were running, Nancy and Jonathan were also in the room with us.

"Turn it up" Joyce ordered, my eyes widened "but mom-" "turn it up!" Joyce yelled out "Mrs. Byers! You're gonna hurt Will-" "Y/n, trust me" She whispered.

Jonathan cranked up the heat and more sweat ran down my body, Will was screaming "no! No!" He yelled out, I frowned and more tears fell down my face, I hated seeing Will in pain, he didn't deserve to go through all this.

I wanted to run up to the boy and engulf him in a hug "you're hurting him!" I yelled out and took a seat next to the boy.

I squeezed his hand tightly "Y/n, help me" He whispered and his body shook. My eyes teared up even more and I squeezed his hand tighter, I just wanted to untie the boy and squeeze him tightly.

He screamed even louder and his body shook even more as Joyce increased the heat, it was painfully scorching in the room.

Black smoke shot out of the boys body, my eyes widened as the boys screams increased, I gripped his hand tighter, his body stopped shaking and the smoke was gone.

His eyes slightly opened and I immediately engulfed him in a tight hug "I was so worried about you Will" I whispered as I gripped the boy tighter, as I let go the boy looked at me in curiosity "who are you?" He asked, my smile fell and my eyes teared up again, he forgot about me...
This sucked.

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