OH MY GOD I HATE MY CAPPY INTERNET CONNECTION SINCE THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME I HAVE TRIED TO UPLOAD!!!! lol sorry about that..... Thanks to Chelks who told me how to create new chapters,, thanks :) i recommend reading her stories too since their awsome.....
Lol dont vote if you dont want to but it would be appriciated so think about voting :)
I woke up that morning a little confused because i didn't know where i was. It was early, probably only three or four am. There was only little light outside and the sun was still rising in the pinkish purple sky. I ate a small breakfast as i didn't pack much food. When i had finished i got to my feet and looked around as last nights events came back to me. I had killed my mother. The words made my eyes sting with tears. God will i miss her. I sat back down because the memories were making me dizzy. Stupid condition. Why was i cursed with it? Why not someone else? If i wasn't it cursed with it i would have been allowed sleepovers. I would have had a mother and a father. He ran off when i was a baby, when he found out about my curse. I don't even remember him.
After crying for a good half an hour, i decided to get going. I had come up with a plan in my dream last night. How i remembered it, i have no idea. My plan was to fly in the luggage compartment. My only problem is, how do i get in the luggage compartment? I came up with a dozen different plans, each crazier than the last. My final plan was i would find a plan that went to London, Jamaica, or for some reason, Alaska. I decided on London. I would go live in an orphanage or something. Yeah, i was losing my mind, but i would try the plan anyway. On my way to a dog carrier i grabbed a newspaper, knowing London was a long way away and i would get bored.
Putting my plan into action by squeezing into a dog carrier, i thanked myself for being small. But just to be on the safe side i chose the largest sized one they had. Once i was in and comfortable, i closed the door and locked it. I then felt my self being picked up then dropped back down. But it didn't feel still after being dropped. I felt like i was moving forwards. I peeked out the door to see i was on a conveyer belt. I knew it was still early and i only woke up a few hours ago, but my eyelids had started to drop. And i let sleep take me over.
haha i know its short....but it got written TWICE already. Tell me if you want it to be longer or any thing, i know this chapters boring but this newspapers interesting so this is pretty much still an introduction kinda sorta a little bit :) lol i should shut up now :D lol vot eif you want!