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Perries pov

A bright light hits my eyes. Ambulance sirens are hurting my ears. I open my eyes and see blood everywhere, then I feel the pain.
I scream in agony. I feel like my leg has been shot!
I see something white sticking out of my leg. is that my bone? I think so.
My leg starts to feel numb and noise starts to fade out. I can just hear a paramedic saying, "We're losing her! we're losing her!"
Everything goes black again.

2 hours later

Codies pov

"Zayn, I'm sorry!" I plead.
"No!" he yells, "I don't want to hear your pathetic sorry! thanks to you, my fiancé is in surgery!"
"I didn't know this was going to happen!" I cry.
"Well it has."

1 hour later

Zayns pov

Perrie is finally out of surgery. she has broken her leg, but that's not what we're worried about. she has hit her head.... badly. she might have a brain tumour!
Codies gone out side. she said she needed some air. I don't care what she needs. she needs to go back into care. she nearly killed Perrie.

Codies pov

Zayn hates me. Perrie probably hates me, she nearly died. nice going Codie!
I go into the hospitals small shop. it smells like old people.
I buy a magazine. maybe it'll take my mind off things for a while.
When I'm at the till, I see cigarettes. they're supposed to stop stress and help calm you down, so I buy a packet and a lighter to try them out. the old guy, behind the till doesn't even bother asking my age!
I go back outside to try smoking. I've never used a lighter before, it's takes me a good 10 minutes to light the stupid thing! I finally get a chance to smoke.
I end up coughing but have another puff. it's true, it does help calm you down.
After the cigarette, I go back inside and see if Perrie is conscious yet.

Zayns pov

Codie comes over to me. luckily I've calmed down a bit.
"Codie, look, I'm sorry. what happened to Perrie wasn't your fault and-" she cuts me off.
"Save it, Zayn. I'm sorry for what happened," she says.

Codies pov

"Apology excepted," he smiles.
We hug but Zayn pulls away coughing, "Codie, you stink of smoke!"
I go red, "I was stood near a guy who was smoking outside," I lie.

A doctor comes out of the room Perries in, "She's conscious," he smiles.
Zayn and I walk in and see Perrie say up in bed. she looks like she's in pain.
"Are you ok?" Zayn asks.
"Yeah, I guess," she croaks. Zayn kisses her and I start to cry.
"Pez, I'm so, so sorry!"
"It's fine, it wasn't your fault," she says.
A nurse walks in and turns to Perrie, "I have some good news," she smiles, "your surgery was successful and you only have bruising on your head. your baby is fine too,"
"!" Perrie asks in confusion and shock.
"Yes, you're pregnant. didn't you know?"
"Well, congratulations,"
"But, there's got to be some sort of mistake! we can't have kids!" Zayns tells the nurse.
"Well, you clearly can," she chuckles.

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