20.) 1st year over

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You walked alongside Draco and Alister as the three of you entered the Great Hall for dinner. It was the last dinner of the year after all . Today they would announce the winners of the House cup. Slytherin would win for certain, after all no one can ever beat Slytherins .

Entering the great hall all three of you had the smuggest of faces . Green and silver decorated the great hall. You felt overwhelmed with pride as you took your seat at the dinner table . You were proud to be a Slytherin.

You took the black pointed cap that sat on the table and place it on your head . While you did so you felt an elbow jab into your side. You hissed in pain. Turning your head to see who was the culprit. It was none other than Draco. You were about to curse him but he simple nodded in the direction of the Gryffindor table .

You looked at the Gryffindor table . They look mighty depressed. You laughed . They look so dejected you couldn't help but laugh. Their house came in 4th place . Sucks to be them .

While you and Draco laughed it up, Alister simply read his Guildory Lockheart book. He was the most mature out of you 3 after all . The hall quieted as Dumbledore stood . Preparing the speak.

He began with his usual boring speech . You ignored him for majority of it as it was usually repetitive. Zoning in as soon he mentioned the words "House " and "cup" in the same sentence .

Finally the old man stopped yapping his jaws and got to the goods. 

"Before we announce the winner for the House cup , I need to give some final points . Ronald Weasley 50 points to Gryffindor House for  playing the best chess match that Hogwarts has ever seen. Hermione Granger 50 points for her clever wit solving a riddle many give up on . Harry Potter 60 points for not backing down in front of your enemies and making good use of your skills. Lastly Neville Longbottom 10 points Because is takes lots of courage to stand up to your friends . Assuming I did my math correctly I believe this calls for a change of decor." Dumbledore spoke .

Your mouth hung open ,  not just you but all those whom sat at the Slytherin table . You felt your soul and all the souls of Slytherin's leaving their bodies as the decorations changed from charming silver and green to an atrocious red and gold .

You stood there shook to say the least . "Alister H- hold me ." You said as you felt your legs give way.

Alister himself looked distraught , he wrapped his arm around your shoulder to help support you. Draco growled as he snatched his cap off of his head throwing it to the ground as he proceeded to step on it . His blond locks disheveled while doing so. His face turning red from pure anger .

Appetite lost as you watched all the Gryffindors rejoicing. It wasn't just your appetite lost . Alister and Draco refused to eat as well. After all all three of you focused lots of time into trying get points for the House . The whole year it was your main focus . All your efforts gone to waste.

The three of you slumped , dragging your feet as you three walked back to the Slytherin dorms . Alister and you took your caps off while doing so.

"I can't believe this !" Draco spat once you all entered the common room.

"Dumbledore favors Gryffindor House !!" You hissed

"All our work wasted ." Alister sighed.

Draco dramatically fell into the couch . Huffing for the umpteenth time. Alister leaned against the couch . You sat on the table near the couch.

"I swear Dumbledore is biased ." You said

"Why wouldn't he be? Harry Potter's a Gryffindor." Alister replied .

"What does that rat Potter have to do with this?" Draco groaned upon hearing Harry's name .

"Don't you think it's funny that whatever team Harry is on they win whenever there's a quidditch match? Or whenever there's activities in class his group always wins ? Or whenever something strange happens at school Harry is always there to save the day? Now he wins the House Cup for Gryffindor ? Don't you find it odd ?" Alister the theorist spoke .

Draco simple huffed .

"Nonsense , you' re stretching it ." You replied chuckling . However it did seem strange that whenever trouble arises at Hogwarts that Harry is always there to 'save the day.' Very odd in deed .
Nothing back up his statement more than when those 3 were missing along with Dumbledore during dinner that one evening.

"However far fetched it may seem you can't deny it can you?" Alister spoke .

Draco zoned out of this conversation. He simple laid face down in the couch wallowing in self pity for his hurt pride .

"I just denied it , did you not hear me ? Maybe if you didn't have your nose stuck in that Guildory Lockheart rubbish you might've heard me ." You teased

"Rubbish ?! How dare you ?! At least I'm not the size of a goblin!" Alister replied back . Alister was usually a rather reserved person . Only around you and Draco did he let loose and act like any other 12 year old boy.

"Goblin?! Me ?! Excuse me I'm a World Wide Beauty!" (ARMY's see what I did there *^* )

"World wide goblin !" He retorted

"Haha Goblin" you heard Draco laugh into the couch as he was still face down in the couch listening to your guys petty argument .

"At least I don't read embarrassing books !" You spat

"At least I'm not a goblin !" Alister spat

"Spot calling me a Goblin!" You whined

"Fine ." He muttered "sorry y/n you're not a goblin ." Alister said

Draco groaned hearing this. "Alister don't say cheesy things ! Just say " y/n your ugly !" Draco groaned to Alister . Hearing this Alister bursted into laughter.

"Petty ." You replied . You felt attacked . Such disrespect .

"You know we're just giving you a hard time . " Draco wheezed between laughs .

You cracked a smile . "Yeah I know ."

The year had a rough start but over all , it were times like these  that made the year a good one . However year one ended here , and summer soon to begin.

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