Guards lined the walls, staring at me through their clunky helmets. I gave them a glare as I passed on the way to my cell. I knew that this was my end.
I was only being held in Castle Dour dungeon to await my public execution: strangely I wasn't scared.
I had faced threats of execution before. I had been under that threat in Windhelm when I had stuck a knife into the back of Laila Law-Giver's head. My aim was just off though- I had missed her brain by mere millimetres.
The rope that cut into my wrists was a dull shade of brown and it was loose. I could've slipped my hands out and killed both the guards on my sides without effort.
The Brotherhood would kick me for this later.
I was lead to a room where I was forced to put my weapons onto a table where the Jarl (wow, special treatment for the wanted assassin) stored them into a chest in the far corner of the room.
I smirked at Jarl Elisif as she looked at me. I was desperate to choke her with her circlet. It would've been funny to watch as the guards gaped in horror. Elisif put the key onto the table and I eyed it, listening to its silent screaming. It was basically begging to be stolen.
That goddamn housecarl of Elisif's looked at me and my smirk grew wider. I almost began laughing. The expressions on his and the guard's faces were ones of pure terror. Even Elisif had a terrified air about her.
Elisif turned on her heel and began to walk out, followed by her housecarl and then by the guards that left and didn't wait for me to follow. I risked a quick glance around before hooking one of my gloved fingers through the top of the key. I carefully dragged it off the table and slid it into my pocket before I left.
The cell I was put in was arguably as wide as my house in Riften was tall. My lousy bindings had been taken off and I was left to wait for my execution. I had memorised the guard pattern and when they changed shifts.
I had found a loophole in their system. I knew that I would be long gone before they had a chance to even think about my execution. I had done a quick skirt of my cell when the guards and the Jarl had left. I had an escape route and the key to my belongings chest.…
"Did you hear? That assassin Tullius caught escaped."
"By the gods…. With her, in our city walls, the people will spiral into fear."
"We could go after her, bring her back into Castle Dour."
The second guard furiously shook his head, his eyes widening to the size of plates.
"Are you crazy? She'd kill us."
I laughed behind them.
"Damn right."
The last thing they saw was their blood on the cobblestones of Solitude.