I was walking back to mark apartment and I wanted to buy something for Mark, I went to the bakery. That is not just a simple bakery but my Grandparent famous bakery there is still many customer.
I walk to the bakery and saw my grandmother at the cashier, I run fast towad her and give her a big hug.
"I miss you all so much ! I miss the bread here too!" I said, and My grandma give me a pat at the head.
"SangRa, You can always come here and get those bread." She said, Ah when I saw small I will always come here after school. My grandfather came in the shop and saw me. I run and hug him.
"Ah.. SangRa You have grow up. You Pretty already. Do you have a boyFriend ?" he said. My grandma look at him. eye him
"Ne..." I said they look shocked.
"Eh, introduce your boyfriend to us. We want to see your boyfriend." Grandpa said to me, I nodded. I chat with them, Is nice to see my grandparent here. I look around the bakery and saw a black painted wall with many kpop idols picture in it.
"Why do you guy have those Picture ?" I asked them. I pointed.
"that one, the idols came here to buy our bread." Grandma said, I caught my eye at one of the picture. It a Picture of jungkook.
"Okay, see you neext time ! Bye Grandma and Grandpa!" I said and left the shop, I brought a few bread.
I reached Mark apartment, I open the door. The door was open.
"Look, Mark I brought some of my...." I said and now I am blushed. I look at the side to cover my cheek.
"You're here. Man, The room is hot." He said and wink at me.
"Yah! Put on some clotheron even if you are hot !" I screamed at him, he only have boxer on. whoa that abs is. I walk to the kitchen counter to put the food. He went near me.
"what ?! Don't even think about coming near me !" I said, he poke my cheek.
"Okay, I'll get change." he said , Walk to his rom. he came out with a sleeveless shirt and a kneel length pant. I smile.
"Hmm, Those Bread are so....delicious."he said.
"That My grandparent bread they make those and they own a famous bakery." I said he look at me.
"Let's go to the bakery now." he said.
"I just visit them and they asked me about..." I said and he look at me.
"About what ?" he asked me I start to blush.
"Boyfriend." I said he blushed too.
"Let's go out."he said and grab my hand, Hurry left the door.He keep holding my hand the whole time we were walking. I'm blushed so madly. >////////////<
"why are you blushed ??" He asked me while held my cheek.
"Me? I am blushed ??"I said he hold my cheek and I'm blushed too hard. >//////////////<
We walk to the bakery, I walk in I didn't realised till grandma ask me.
"SangRa, is he your boyfriend ?" she asked me. I was about to answer but mark said it,
"Annyeonghasyo, I'm sangra boyfriend. Mark." Mark said, I slap his arm.
"SangRa, Don't Be shy. I like him. You have such a wonderful boyfriend." Grandpa said.
Mark have a chat with my grandparent while me Just happened to bake some bread that grandpa teach me. while waiting for it. I work at the counter someone went came in .
"Annyeonghasyo...Ah Eomma!" I said, Finally mum is back JAeyong has miss her so badly. I ran and hug her. she hug me back.
"Mum, I miss you so much...That day left us. Jaeyong was crying so badly." I said , I can feel the tear almost fallin down my cheek.
"SangRa, I am here is becasue I am taking Jaeyong with me for 5 Month." She said, tear were rollin down already
why mum ? why must you take jaeyong away from me ? why must you d this to me ? Mum, I will never forgive you....You Betray me.
I cried right there, My knee feel so weak. I can't face her.
"W-When are You taking him ?" I asked while cried.
"Tonight at 7.30pm." She said I can't stand it. I ran to Grandpa.
"What Happened to you SangRa ? Grandpa said I can't even speak now there only one pieces inisde me hate my Mum so much.
"Mum...taking Jaeyong...With her." I said while crying loud, Someone hug me. I bury my faceon his chest. This warm pair of hug is from Mark.
"shh. SangRa don't Cry. I am here don't worry." he said stroke my head.
"M-Mark...Please stay with me." I cried so hard.
I am going to update as many at the same time I want the chapter to be very ....sweet and cute for mark and sangra but the next chapter is with jungkook, I has been missed chapter with mark so I want to put it inside.

FanfictionWARNING !!!: This book content weird chapter so if you can't handle my weirdness than you leave but if you think you can just read it and also my grammar is terrible. I do not highly recommended u to read it