Chapter 36 The Seal of Orichalcos

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Lily pov I then saw a white light. I looked at my friends. Guess this means the world needs our help again. I said. Lily-Senpai-Chan! Blair clings to me. I wanna. Blair this is dangerous. You can't come. You are staying here with the family when we go save the world. I promise we will be back. I promised her. My mum hugs me. Please be careful sweetheart. Mum whispers. I will. We all will. I can promise you that. I said. I hugged dad. Please, Lily. I can't lose you. You are my little girl. You're my princess. Please come back safe. Dad pleaded. I am your daughter. What have you always told me, dad? I said. Never back down how hard it gets. Dad smiles. I grin up at him with my purple eyes. Don't worry we will be back. I pulled away from dad. My friends and I walk to the white light. See you soon. I love you guys. I waved. Ready? I asked grinning. Have we ever backed down from a challenge before? Kari grins. We walked through the white light and end up in the past when it was the Seal of Orichalcos. First is first. We need to find your dad and mom. Kari said. We walked like it was for hours. I then saw blond hair. Mum dad! I examined. Mum Dad! I shouted. I run over to them. Lily! My still younger mum says with a smile. surprise. I smiled. Should I. I whisper to Kari giggling. I think you should. Kari giggles. What? Younger dad asked. You are gonna be a grandfather! I chirped. Uncle Atem comes next to Younger dad and starts laughing at him. Your 17-year-old. Pharaoh don't you dare! Dad shouts at him. Is Pregnant! Uncle Atem laughs at him. PHARAOH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Younger dad shouts. This is hilarious! I giggled. What do you mean hilarious! Do you not understand being Pregnant at 17! Younger dad shouts at me. I smirked. I won't be taking if I were you. I smirk. Oh, She. Uncle Atem laughs. Oh, Yes Uncle Atem I know alright! I know dad got mum pregnant at 15! I taunted. This is golden. Uncle Atem laughs. And how would you know being a pregnant girl dad? I said You aren't a girl. I scolded. Oh man! Uncle Atem laughs. But this isn't why we are here. We are here to help you. I said. You guys are so stupid to talk out in the open. An evil laugh said. Who are you? I asked narrowing my eyes. Oh me. He smirks. You don't need to know sweetcheeks. What did you just call me!!??!? I shrieked. I felt someone grabbing me. I felt Dad change with Uncle Atem. Let go Uncle Atem! He called me sweetcheeks! I should beat him up! I should kick his ass! I shrieked. We will duel in time Yugi Muto. Rafael said with an evil smile and left. God, I hate that that that son of a. Lily! Uncle Atem gives me a look. Find find find. I will behave for now. I crossed my arms glaring up at him. What are we going to do? I asked. We'll think of something. Jaden said. The past week since we were in the past. I saw Uncle Atem about to use The Seal of Orichalcos! I ran over to faster the Jaden and the others. I pulled Dad's soul out of the way and I got taken instead. W What!? Why did you do that Lily!? Uncle Atem asked with tears in his eyes. I. Couldn't. Let. The Seal of Orichalcos take. Dad again. The first time you blamed yourself. So instead I put myself to protect dad. I had to do something. You have to defeat the Seal of Orichalcos and Dartz. I said weakly. You have to stop Dartz. Don't let me down. I am counting on you too. I said and closed my eyes as the Seal of Orichalcos appears on my forehead. I love you both. Beat Dartz. I said the last word then my world goes back. Tai pov (Surprised huh) We all ran over to Lily's younger dad and Uncle. LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kari wails. Why won't she wake up? Matt asked. LILY!!!!!!!!!! Kari wails louder. We saw It was Yugi and not Atem. Lily pushed me out of the way so the seal of Orichalcos didn't take my soul! Yugi cried. That takes courage. I smiled fondly at my Kohai. Kari stops crying and looks at Lily with tears in her eyes. You always have to play hero don't you. Kari says in tears when rubbing her face. She didn't get my crest for anything. I thought. And Courage takes great Friendship. Matt said with a smile. I turn to Matt and picking up Lily from Yugi. Her head rolls on my chest. Even if she doesn't have her soul she still is beautiful. Kari whispers. Jaden and Jesse came running over to us. Oh no. Jesse mumbles. Baby. Time to wake up now. Jaden chuckles. Lily doesn't answer to Jaden. Man, this is going to be bad. I just have a feeling. I winced. Babe now is not the time to be playing around. Jaden said seriously. I open my mouth to say something but Matt shakes his head at me. No, he needs to find out on his own Tai. Matt whispers to me. Baby? Jaden asked worry in his voice was loud and clear. I give her to Jaden. Lily wake up now! Jaden demanded. Jaden Lily isn't going to wake up. I state. What do you mean? Jaden asked confused. What does my Kohai see in this boy? I sweat drop. Lily took the Seal of Orichalcos for me Jaden. Younger Yugi said. Jaden looked down at Lily heartbroken. I'm not mad. I'm just. You wanted to take her place. Kari hums. Jaden nodded at Kari then looks back down at his girlfriend and hugged her tightly. I'm sorry baby. I wasn't there to protect you. Jaden whispers. What happens when Dartz shows his face again? I asked as Jaden gave Lily to Matt. I am going to duel him. Kari speaks up. Kari... I look at her in shock. No! Lily is my best friend and my sister! He won't get away from taking her away from me! Kari said with determined in her eyes. I smiled at my sister. She and Lily are growing up but I don't like it. I though frowning. We all heard an evil laugh. That laugh again. I hissed. Matt tightly his grip on Lily's form. So you want to duel me for your little friend. Rafael smirks at Kari. Bring it! I am not scared of you! Kari glares at Rafael. How about a deal. If you win I will give all the souls back. But If I win. Your soul is mine. I gasped and about to get up. Matt grabs my arm. Tai stop. This is Kari's duel, not yours. You can't always save her and Lily. You need to let her to this on her own. Matt told me. And if I win you will give all of the souls back and Lily's soul back. No lying? Kari asked. Yes, no lying. Dartz said. You got a deal! Kari said. It's showtime! Kari said her catchphrase. Let's duel! Both of them said.

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