The project we were working on was taking up all my time, and now that the house was empty my mind was clear and the headache I had was a minimum. Aaroosa was out with Kaliq, Waliyha was working on her own project with Bella and Ella was working in that salon like she had been doing for most of her time.
It had been three hours since I last got out of that chair of mine and my neck muscles had been killing me. Deciding to take a little break, I went downstairs to make myself some tea. Hm, I might get a few biscuits as well. I deserve it.
Sitting in the living area, I opened the TV for some back-round noise, I hate when there's silence. Dipping my biscuit in my tea, I grabbed my phone and started to scroll my twitter news feed to kill some time. I hadn't checked it for ages.
There were the usual tweets from Aaroosa talking about god knows what, some of Doniya promoting her new blog which reminds me I need to go follow it on facebook and show support.
Apparently Nadia was a internet star after the Milan trip, she posted pictures and videos everyday to update the fans. Oh god, I look horrible in most of those posts. Nadia was such an idiot, I can kill her right now.
Rolling my eyes, I scroll past those stuff and notice Tasneem posting about her exams, school, a few fangirl tweets and a repost of a picture of me laughing with my dad saying she misses us.
Aw, I miss her too. Maybe I should talk to her?
Sending her a dm, I get an immediate, 'Skype now?'
Opening my Skype, It rang for a second before I picked up.
"Hey!" Tasneem shrieked in a high pitched tone making me smile.
"Miss you, young miss." I replied my happiness shown allover my face.
"You are the one traveling all over the world and leaving your cousin in miserable exams to kill her." She rolled her eyes playfully.
"It was just a quick week in Milan." I tried to defend but knowing Tasneem she was probably just pulling my leg, she wasn't really mad or anything.
"I bet you had so much fun. You got to travel with Zayn and all." She winked making me blush even though nothing really happened in that trip.
"Yeah, it was nice."
"How was uncle Saeed though? She had some mean looks in all pictures. Fans think he hates Zayn." She chuckled thinking it was ridiculous, little did she know he gave the poor lad a really hard time.
"He doesn't hate him, he was just being really protective much like Zayn now with his constant calls and texts to check on me." I sighed.
"Why? Did something happen?" I proceeded to tell my cousin everything about the whole Eric situation with details about the move, Ella's move here, Ryan being in the picture and even Zayn's new obsession with my safety.
"I have a million question, first of all isn't it kind of weird how Ella suddenly decided to move back to London and to stay with you after everything you have to go through for her?" Tasneem raised a brow suspiciously. She never really liked Ella to begin with.
"I mean the timing is a bit off but she wants to be on her own and this whole roommate situation is temporarily till she finds a safe place of her own." I tried to convince Tasneem who didn't seem like she bought it.
"Hm? Maybe, but my advice don't trust her. She brings nothing but trouble." Something in my heart sunk. Even though I, myself, had a bit of doubt about Ella but I don't believe she would ever hurt me on purpose. She just never really had any luck or support before and that's why she needed me now.
"I'm just helping her to get back on her feet and she appreciates it." I tried to explain a little more maybe this would help Ella's image.
"Alright, just don't be naive."
"As if, I'm taking advice from a high schooler." I teased her changing the topic as I didn't like it anymore.
"I give the best advice." She smirked getting all full of herself in a joking manner.
"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes at her.
"Well, I got you your fiance." She sing sang making confused.
"Um, no you didn't?" I tried to figure out what she meant.
"Not exactly but I helped." She shrugged.
"You are such an idiot." I giggled at my crazy cousin.
"Speaking of, what's up with Zayn lately? He is been awfully skinny and you mentioned he worries a lot about you?" Back to seriousness now, I see.
Sighing, I remembered Zayn's sudden change of attitude lately, "I don't know honestly. One day he was fine, the next completely paranoid. I thought maybe it was the travelling and the whole Eric thing but maybe I should be worried about him instead of brushing it off?"
"Try talking to him. I mean the media have been awful to him about his weight accusing him of doing drugs and stuff. If that's the case you need to intervene and get him on the right track again." Tasneem was back to being my wise adviser.
Her words made my heart feel heavy. Until now, I didn't even consider that there was anything wrong with Zayn, I just assumed he was over protective. I even was annoyed by it. Why do I always make the worst assumptions? This was so selfish of me and I needed to make things right again and be a good fiancee to Zayn, look after him for a change.
"You are right." I sighed.
"Update me if anything happens, I'll keep you posted with all the online crap. That's as far as my help could get." She chuckled.
"You're always a great help to me, Tas. I really did miss talking to you." A smile appeared on my face without even noticing. I never really considered having a best friend or a support system just because I never believed they helped but Tasneem definitely always had my back. I consider her to be my only support system.
"Missed talking to you too. Let's not disappear on each other for months again please." She pouted like a child, it was adorable.
"Deal." I grinned.
Thinking about my conversation with Tasneem, I decided to text Zayn to call me whenever he had time. I needed to chat with him as soon as possible. But as usual he never replied on time. I had to wait for hours before he appeared.
So, instead of just anxiously wait for him, I got back to working on my project for a while until I heard the front door close. It was probably one of the girls.
Concentrating on the work on hand, I didn't mind the noise coming from downstairs. Just a bit of shuffling around. It was probably just Ella, she never came to say hello when she got back home. I guess it was a habit since she used to live alone most of her life.
Hearing a knock on my door, I raised my head from my laptop screen to notice Waliyha standing in front of me looking horrible. Her hair was messed up, her clothes gathered a lot of dirt, even her eyes all red and puffed up from crying, "What happened?"
"I was robbed." She managed to say, her voice so hoarse I could barely make out her words.
"What? How? Are you okay?" I was so shocked, we lived in a quiet save neighborhood.
Nodding, she slowly sat on my bed trying to regain the earlier events that happened to her. I gave her all the time she needed rubbing her arms soothingly but I really wanted to understand.
A few moments passed before she finally spoke, "I was walking home from Bella's place. It was a bit dark, I guess. No one was around in the street but I didn't think anything of it." She took a breath as i tried to be supportive and not rush her.
"Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed my arm roughly into an ever darker alley. I-I didn't even see him, I couldn't push away either." She was shaking now.
"It's okay, you are safe now." I hugged her tight. She was traumatized, it broke my heart.
"He pulled a knife to my throat and," a sob escaped her mouth making me hug her tighter and whisper to her 'it's okay' repeatedly. "I tried to push him and run, he grabbed my hair, pulled me to his chest then slapped me. He threatened to kill me and leave me to rot in the street, I begged to be left alone and offered him money."
Her cries were getting harder and I could barely understand her but I kept patiently hearing her as I continued rubbing her back, "He asked for my whole bag and my phone, then pushed me on the ground before running off on his motorcycle."
"Al hamdulillah, he didn't hurt you, Wali. Don't worry about your stuff, we'll get new stuff and from now on, at night we only move around with Ryan. We can't be sure nothing worse won't happen." It was scary to think about what could've happened to Waliyha today. She could've been killed and no one would've known a thing.
"You know what the strangest thing was?" Wali asked ask as she was calming a bit.
"The guy looked awfully familiar."
This is probably all over the place but the end is close finally lol.
Hope you still enjoy this story.