Chapter Three

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When you said you love me,
And leaned in for a kiss...
Did you close your eyes like I did,
Or look upon my face?
The warmth of you around me,
I have grown to miss.
All I long is for you now,
To fill this empty space.

Turns out I'd missed a lot. While I was out, a few new exchange students arrived; also, Duke Devlin started hangin' out around the gang and flirtin' with Tristan, who was too distracted with starin' down Yugi's crush to notice.
I walk to my first class alone today, which makes me kinda uncomfortable. The whole way, I can feel eyes on my back.

Class goes by pretty fast, and on my way to my next class I don't feel that creepy stare... Until I'm almost halfway there. I look around, a bit nervous, but I can't see anyone actin' weird. I shrug it off and walk into my next class... But the creepy stare follows me! I look around the room, but everyone is focused on their work... Wait a second! Kaiba is glancin' at me out of the corner of his eye!
I look down at my work quickly, tryin' to ignore it. I feel him looking at me the entire class.

When class is over, I walk out and start to head to my next class. I cry out when I'm pulled backwards suddenly and a hand goes over my mouth to silence me. I'm about to bite whoever the hell it is, but I stop when I hear their voice.
"Stop making this difficult." He says. It's Kaiba...
I go still and tilt my head a bit to look up at him. He's pulled us into the bathroom for privacy, and when he lets me go I put some distance between us. He rolls his eyes at my fighting stance.
"If I wanted to fight you I would've hit you instead of bringing you in here." He scoffs, and I clench my teeth.
"Why did you bring me here then?" I ask.
"About yesterday." He says, getting straight to the point like the infuriating guy he is. "Just forget about it."
"What?!" I practically shout. He pisses me off so bad! "You brought me here to tell me to do somethin' I'm already doing?! You gotta be kiddin' me!"
He glares at me and steps towards me, his eyes like ice. I step towards him and narrow my eyes, clenching my fists and raising them. We're standing so close, so I understand immediately what Tristan thinks when he opens the door. His eyes go wide and his mouth hangs open, and I back away from Kaiba like he burned me. They lock eyes and Tristan growls like Kaiba just assaulted me. And I realize...
They're about to fight.

They leap at each other and start swingin', and for a second I can't even comprehend what's goin' on. Then I try to get in between them; try pushing them apart or somethin'.
Tristan is yellin' somethin' at the top of his lungs, and Kaiba is growlin' like a wild dog. I don't think they even know I'm there anymore, like the rest of the world has disappeared and it's just them. I don't know why, but I'm surprised when a fist catches me across the cheek. Both of the Alphas stop immediately, and for a second I don't know why. Then I realize it's cause I made a noise when I was hit, and now I'm cryin'. I wipe my eyes quickly and look away, glaring at the floor. "What the hell are ya starin' at?"
They both move to stand by me and I'm surprised when not only Tristan, but Kaiba too, expresses concern. Kaiba tilts my head up and Tristan runs his thumb carefully across my cheek, both of them frowning. I blush and Kaiba's soft expression turns into a glare.
"What were you even thinking? Stupid!" He moves his hand away from me and walks to the door. He leaves with only a brief backwards glance.
I look up at Tristan and take a step back, and he runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry Joey..."
I frown and turn to leave, looking back at him as I go. "There's nothin' to be sorry for. Really."
I don't think he believes me...

When school ends, I walk home with Tristan. As usual, he asks if I'm okay alone. As usual, I tell him I'm fine.
This time, I don't let him in. He looks a bit disappointed, and I want to take it back, but... He doesn't need me draggin' him down. I'm home alone for the first time in a long time, and I don't know how to spend the hours. I sit on the sofa and stare at my hands in my lap, lettin' my mind wander.
I know it was stupid of me to jump between two fighting Alphas. I coulda been seriously injured... But I just couldn't stand seein' them fight. A part of me wondered why, since I've seen Tristan fight tons of people before. Another part of me figured it was because I knew Tristan sucked at fighting, and that Kaiba would kick his ass.

And another part of me, the Omega part that I try to ignore, trys to convince me that I didn't want to see Tristan deck that blue-eyed prick.

//903 words, oh my! Do y'all even know what takes the most effort to write? The fricken quatrain at the beginning!
//fr takes like, 70% of my creativity right out of my body. Hope you enjoy the extended sonnet in the long run tho.

////////like, it for real took me 3 hours to find good rhymes that actually went with this a bit. Compliment me.////////
(You don't rlly have to compliment me fam.)

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