Chapter 6

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Lauren's Pov.

The same officers from a few days ago step into my room. I smile and continue putting on my shoes.

"Hi guys," I say and neither one of them reply to me.

"Lauren Jauregui, you are being arrested for the murder of Austin Mahone." Sheriff Hernandez says.

The other cop continues to read me my write while Sheriff Hernandez handcuffs me.

"What? This is crazy!" I hear my father shout and placing his hands on Sheriff Hernandez. My mind is blank for a minute until I realize they are handcuffing my father. The other cop is doing it because Sheriff Hernandez has a bloody nose.

In the corner my mother is crying loudly and I watch as Chris tries to comfort her.

Outside it's still dark and early, the perfect time Camila would be sitting on her roof watching the sunrise. Oh Camz she's going to be devastated when she hears about this.

I say nothing when they shut my door and climb in the police vehicle. I feel several tears make their way down my face. And I can't wipe them away. I can already feel them drying on my skin and staining. I sniffle loudly as we drive away.

From beside me my father looks at me sadly. He has tears in his eyes. He could get in serious trouble for laying his hands on a police officer. I hope he realizes that he has made a big mistake.

What am I talking about mistakes for? I've made the biggest one of all. Murder. But it wasn't murder, it was self-defense. He tried to kill me and I had to do what was necessary to stop him.

The car ride is long and silent and it takes everything I have not to cry. I stare absently out the window and then my thoughts turn to Camila again. From my pocket, my phone vibrates and rings noisily.

The Only Exception is playing, which so happens to be Camila's ringtone. And my dad turns to look at me and cries even more.

"Don't answer it," Sheriff Hernandez says from the front seat. I don't have hands, how was I supposed to answer it anyways?

Finally the ringing comes to a stop, but I can hear Camz leaving me a voicemail. Today was supposed to be out date night. I was going to make up for everything bad that's happened lately.

I don't even noticed when we pull up to the police station. I've been staring out the window so long I didn't care.

Sheriff Hernandez opens my door and helps me get out. The other cop is doing the same to my father, except a bit rougher.

They lead us inside without a word and motion for us to some chairs. I guess they're going to process us here. This is stupid.

"Mrs. Jauregui," I look up when my name is called.

"Come here," a bald man says while motioning me towards him. I get up slowly because you know I don't have hands at the moment.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Harold," he says sticking his hand out to me. It says there for a minute until he realizes my hands are cuffed.

"Who are you?" I ask nervously.

"I'm your lawyer, your mother hired me." Mr. Harold states. I nod my head slowly and he smiles.

He lowers his voice when he speaks again, "Listen they're going to ask to speak with you,"

I don't respond, just wait for him to continue.

"You need to tell me your story before they do, so I can understand everything." Mr. Harold says quickly.

I lift my hands up and move a strand of hair from my face. What if this man thinks I'm crazy? At this point I shouldn't even worry about such things, but I do anyways.

I nod my head and he leads me back over to where my father is sitting. He looks up and smiles sadly at me. I don't smile back. I can't honestly.

Mr. Harold takes a seat beside me and places his briefcase on the floor. I take a deep breath and explain as much as I can remember. Mr. Harold sits quietly and listens, only nodding every so often.

After I finish he purses his lips and I look at him worriedly. My dad places his hand on my shoulder. I almost forgot he was there and this is the first time he's heard the whole story.

"Clearly you are not guilty, this was an act of self defense." Mr. Harold says confidently.

"Do you have proof that this Austin Mahone beat you up?" he asks after a minute. Before I can respond my dad does.

"Yes, we took several photos while Lauren was hospitalized." he states. Mr. Harold nods his head then glances down at my father's hands.

He raises his eyebrows, "What are you in here for?"

"It's quiet funny actually." I say in response and for the first time in a while my dad cracks a smile. Mr. Harold chuckles lightly.

"Miss Jauregui, we will see you now." Sheriff Hernandez says while waiting by the door.

I gulp and make my way to him. Suddenly my hands feel sweaty and I struggle to wipe them on my pants.

I walk in and he closes the door behind me.

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