Your POV
Y/n's Parents
I'm packing up my things, getting ready to catch the flight down town to my home! I know Justin does not want to see my dad because my dad doesn't like him after some of the things he did. I just want both of them to know that no matter what, I will always stay by Justin's side no matter what, I love him.
Heres the reason why my dad dont like Justin. Its because he used to be like justin when him and my mom were younger, Our age. My mom sat me down talked to me when I was old enough to understand. She told me he used to smoke and just do dumb things, even cheated. In her words, she said to me that they had toxic love but couldn't stay away from eachother.
My dad finally settled down with her when my mom was pregnant with me. In her words they were "young, dumb and in love". I loved when she used to tell me that story, because there wouldn't be a me if they weren't so in love.
"Do you realize that your dad hates me?" Justin says sitting down on the bed.
"Justin, for the last time he doesn't hate you." I roll my eyes at him being dramatic over this "dad not liking boyfriend" thing.
"Really? So what do you call it?" He ask, arching his eyebrow up.
"It's called being a protective dad, watching after his daughter."
"That's a nice way of putiing hate."
I saw the clouds at the bottom of the plane letting me know that we're up flying going to Florida.
I decided to call my mom to let her know that im coming to Florida.
Mom:"hey honey how have you been?"
"hey mom I've been doing great. I have some good news."
Mom:"what is it?"
"guess whos taking a plane ticket to Florida to see a woman that I love?"
Mom:"oh my god your coming down here I cant wait to see you!""i cant wait to see you to mom and to see what I missed in my hometown."
Mom:"you know that you can come home anytime when you need to get away from the flashing lights and the media right?"
"yes i know."
Mom:"will you stay for good?"
"mom you know that I love justin-",i paused when justin looked at me."buy I will make sure that we can stop by sometime."
Mom:"I still always see justin as that good influenced and respectful person. He doesnt do anything wrong in eyes."
"thank you mom you dont know how much that means to us."
Mom:"us? Justins with you?"
"yes. He is."
Mom:"love birds."she chuckled.
"Does dad know?"
Mom:"about you two? No he thinks that you separated with him I just only know."
"mom what are we going to do?! What will he think when I arrive with him!"
Mom:"oh dont worry your mom has your back.duhh."
"haha even if you're in your 30's you still act young."
Mom:"awh thank you. Ok I have to go see you here love you."
"love you too mom." I hung up.
"do you still love me?" Justin asked smiling at me.
"you know I do." I said and gave him a kiss.
Justin's POV
I never seen Za go into a complete breakdown. If anything, he was the one making sure we didn't have a moment. It shocked me to see him lose his mind like that. Twist was the last person in the room with Za, I waited out of his room for Twist.
Twist walks out
"im not getting up to pack and im not going to Florida if your dad hates me." I said with my head under my pillow with my back turned to her.
"justin come on im dressed you have to get dressed too." Y/n said to me.
"have to? No its when I want to and right now I dont want to."
"Youre on your man period arent you? You said that you were going to help me on this justin."
"yeah I know but to be honest i have a feeling that if your dad sees me he will have a bullet waiting for me."
"hes not a murderer!"
"hm. Are you sure about that?"
"get up or..."
"or what? You wont give me sex for a month?"
I chuckled,"I can live with that."
"justin just get up."
"get up!"
She sighed,"you forced me to do this." She hit me with her pillow.
"oh ow ow ow that really hurt, more than when I got a water bottle thrown at me or hitting my head on a glass window." I said sarcastic.
"justin get your lazy butt up!"
"your gonna have to push me out of bed."
"fine. If thats what its going to take. Then thats what is going to happen." She went to my chest and tried pushing me,she grunted.
I laughed,"oh yeah your very strong baby."
"shut up im best!"
"uh huh. Sure." I grabbed her wrist pulling her on bed and laid on her.
"uhhh! Justin get off me youre heavy!!!"
"no you wont leave me alone and your a pretty good cushion." I laughed.
"ohhhh my god! Justin get off!"
"only if you let me stay in bed."
"for ten minutes?"
"with you laying next to me?"
"whatever it takes to get your fat ass off me yes!" I rolled off her body,pecked her lips, and pulled her close to me.
"i knew you would see it my way even if it killed you."
"which you nearly did."
"by the way im not fat its all muscle baby."
I was dressed now and packed ready to the hellhole of Florida. Dont get me wrong I love y/n alot but her dad...hates my fucking guts. I dunno about her mom I like her shes a sweet woman.
But im telling you if you put me and him in a room alone and the lights turn off who do you thinks going to be missing when the lights turn back on? Him or me? This guy. I will be man slaughtered by him. You can tell me "oh your overreacting." Or "nah thats non sense her dad seems nic-" No! Have you met her dad?
He just automatically hated me because what he heard on of course the news. He has seen the picture of me smoking weed twice, apprently me speeding I mean I drive 90 mph what the hell is wrong with that!?
Im sorry that I like to see things pass by me really quickly or feel like im sometimes in fast and furious,me going to jail,neighbors calling the police because "i was partying too loud for them to sleep."
Put on some fucking beats that'll block the noise! Yeah so he hates me for those things. I want to help y/n out with this but im ready to this over with because I know he wants to and will kill me someday.
"ok you ready to go?" Y/n asked
"striaght to hell. No."
"dont be like that I know my dad can be a butthole sometimes."
"oh come on lets go."
Should i make a POV for her mom and dad?