Mae's POV
" What is it!" Kuro snapped at me. " I need information on the nearby pack" I said calmly
" I know nuthin'!" Kuro yelled, I soon had enough and padded to the freshly hunted hare, I padded back to the clearing, glaring at Kuro beside his small healer cave. I threw him the Hare that was in my muzzle.
" What was that for!?!" Kuro yelled
" Your being snarky" I calmly stated
" Oh...." he mutters
" Yeah.." I chuckled
" The nearby pack killed a pup from our neighboring pack." Kuro states sadly. "What's up guys!?!" The beautiful white wolf with crystal blue eyes known as Ashes pads up to us, interested in my conversation with Kuro "Talking" I stared at the tail calmly swaying " Heyyyyyy" she whines " No fair, I wanna know too" she whines again. I let out a long groan of annoyance, I can NOT deal with whiny wolves. " Oh look! A rainbow!" Ashes quickly switches her attention to the rainbow a few miles away from our location. It's colors shined in the sunlight while a few gusts of wind blew through my greyish amber fur. Ashes then runs off to the rainbow giggling like a baby human. I look back to talk to Kuro but quickly notice he was gone. My fluffy ears perk up listening for any sign of Kuro. In the distance I hear grumbling and gnawing of meat. I remembered that he is grumpy when he is hungry so he must be eating again. I sigh and pad to the large mountain behind the camp.I climb the mountain and once I reach the top,the breeze blows through my soft fur, and I fell into a deep sleep.8 Kuros said
288 words

The Forestry
RandomThe Forestry is about a pack of wolves who can talk and have different elements of powers I hope you enjoy my first story