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It smells like ashes, ruins of ships and blasters dot the landscape. It seems that the sun hits more intensely here. Everything's full of calm, more than a destroyed planet it feels like an abandoned one.

"Why did you bring me here?" you just landed on your TIE fighter. Just four hours ago you received a transmission from Poe asking you to see you here as soon as possible. You didn't understand why he wanted to see you in the same place where two days ago there was a battle between the Resistance and the First Order but he said it was important.

"Sit" Poe orders you. He's sitting on a large rock, his arms resting lazily on his knees and his gaze on the horizon.

Your black boots remove the soil from the ground when you walk to sit next to him.

"Do you see it?" Poe asks without even looking at you.

"What am I supposed to see? There's nothing here" you're getting annoyed that Poe brought you here when you could be in the suite of a fancy hotel right now, with no clothes kissing each other's body.

"Exactly" Poe sighs before adding "there's nothing... there's no life, there's no peace, there's no love. Nothing".

What is he talking about? You're at war, things are like this and you're not the only one responsible. In that case the First Order wasn't here shooting alone, the Resistance also caused this damage.

"You don't understand, Kai" Poe guessed your thoughts, "you only cause destruction without even turning back to the damage you cause". He shooks his head sadly.

"It's not like that, yesterday I didn't shoot you, I protected you from my own soldiers. I love you, Poe" you try to justify yourself in vain.

"YOU CAN'T CHOOSE TO JUST PROTECT SOMEONE YOU SAY YOU LOVE AND HURT EVERYONE ELSE, BENAZIR!" Poe is exasperated, wondering if there really is still light inside of you.

You flinch because Poe never speaks to you like that, let alone use your former name.

"Maybe your consciousness punishes you at night and encourages in the morning" Poe laughs sadly and runs his hands over his face.

You're sitting next to each to each other, if you move your hand a little to the left you could touch him. But an invisible wall has raised between the two of you.

"Maybe one day we won't have a future anymore and you'll keep pretending" when you hear those words you get scared and try to save whatever he stills feels for you.

"This doesn't make you happy, I don't like..." he ignores your words and interrupts you to continue talking "If someone wins here, it's you, dear friend, even if you think otherwise". Then he gets up and takes a last look at the landscape. He's walking towards his ship, leaving you alone with your destruction, alone with his words.

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