Blame 39 - Regret

534 40 53

Author's Disclaimer:

This chapter is basically a make out session. There's nothing explicit, but if you aren't comfortable with this kind of stuff, feel free to skip this chapter. It won't affect the understanding of the plot if this chapter is skipped.

Blame 39

He attacked my lips with the ferocity of a starved lion. My breath hitched in the middle of my throat. Heat burned my soul from the inside out. His teeth scraped against my bottom lip. A wave of pleasure rippled down my spine. My lips moaned against his.

I fisted his t-shirt in my hands, and then decided that wasn't enough, so I stuck my hands underneath his shirt and roamed his bare back. His lithe back muscles tensed underneath my fingertips.

Yoongi's spine arched toward my body at my touch. A low predatory growl hummed in his chest.


My name coming from this man's voice was a catalyst. And the fire in my stomach roared in response.

I shifted my weight until I was straddling Yoongi's waist, all without breaking mouth-to-mouth action. My legs automatically wrapped around his torso. His hands explored the skin on my back. He left trails of flames everywhere he touched. One hand twirled my hair around. Our bodies molded together like we were sculpted from the same stone.

Euphoria guided my actions. My heart raced. Never have I ever felt like this before. I attacked his lips with a new energy. Yoongi responded in kind. His lips slyly coaxed mine apart.

I gasped. His tongue met my own in a sloppy beautiful way. Lightning flashed through me from the tips of my teeth to the tops of my toes. I moaned into his mouth. We wrestled for control, our chests pressed together. I buried one hand into his messy silky black hair. I wrapped strands around my finger and tugged on them teasingly. I could feel Yoongi smile against my lips. He hummed in delight.

We broke apart, both of us gasping for breath. Our chests rose and fell in tempo. Yoongi's cheeks were flushed. And I'm sure mine were too. His ebony hair stuck up in all different directions. I took this moment to really inspect Yoongi's face. His petite nose. His high cheekbones that any girl would kill for. His gummy smile.

Yoongi leaned forward and rested his face against my shoulder. I did the same to him. We were each other's support.

Something wet and rough touched my collarbone. Was that—?

"Yoongi!" I said in embarrassment even though it was just us two.

"Mmm." His voice vibrated across my skin.

He burned a trail of kisses down my shoulder to the center of my neck. My body was on fire. Every nerve was tingling.

I closed my eyes in ecstasy. My neck involuntarily craned to let Yoongi get better access to my collarbone.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this, gatita..."

He sunk his teeth into the skin on my shoulder and sucked.

My breath scattered all over the place. "H-how long?" I stuttered, my voice breathy and winded.

"Since the time I got you on my bed that first day," Yoongi whispered against my pounding pulse.

His deft fingers lifted the edge of my dress. A rush of dopamine blocked my inhibitions. Instead of stopping him like I would have in any other situation, I wiggled my body out of the thin piece of fabric. Yoongi tossed it into a corner of the room.

My underwear and bra were the only things preventing me from being totally undressed. I was suddenly hyper self-conscious. Goosebumps covered my arms from the sudden exposure. I covered my chest with my arms, my cheeks aflame.

Yoongi leaned back on his arms and whistled under his breath. His eyes raked down my barely clothed figure.

"You are making me crazy." He shook his head. "I don't know if I can hold back any longer."

He crossed his arms around his torso and pulled his shirt off his back. My eyes immediately locked onto his toned body. It wasn't muscular as much as it was lean, but I could see a definite six pack in the stomach area.

A hand came up to caress my cheek before his soft pink lips were back on my swollen ones. The reaction was immediate. It was like the amount of electricity in my body was directly proportional to the amount of skin contact there was.

And I wanted more. I wanted to be electrocuted.

My fingers fumbled with the belt buckle press against my naval. The metal was warm from our body heat. Yoongi gripped my wrist. His eyes asked me one last question. I stared back unashamed.

Was I going to regret this?

Hell yeah.

But that wasn't going to stop me.

We tumbled onto the sheets in a fit of passion.


Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! Year of the dog woohoo! V○ᴥ○V

Also, happy late Valentine's Day! I was single, *cries* like usual. Oh well, honestly, I don't care. 

Anyway thanks for reading this chapter. I suck at writing sexy scenes, but gotta practice somehow. Think of this as a badly wrapped Valentine's gift...Hopefully that made sense.

Genuine question: Does Alisha and Yoongi's relationship arc feel too rushed and underdeveloped?

As always, please don't forget to vote, share, and comment comment comment!

Love, Laurie <3

P.S. Does anyone else feel like they're perpetually sleep deprived?

P.S.S. Yay! I've official published 40 chapters (including the cover chapter) of Blaming Black Cat! Thank you for sticking with me this whole time despite my erratic terrible updating schedule *blows kiss* You are the best!

Word count: 946

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