Authors Note || Important

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EDIT: I have edited this, meaning I took some stuff out bc I don't like coming back to it all the time and hopefully you guys understand. I left it very open and not so descriptive. At the time I wrote this I was overwhelmed with everything around me and so much loss. I was going to delete it, but it serves in a way to explain the change of direction of this book (you will understand later on for those who are just reading this book). So I just edited it to make it less painful.

I am sorry for the lack of updates and concentration I have done and I want to explain why bc you guys deserve it:

First, I got completely heartbroken by a boy.

Second, a teacher of mine passed away. He was my favorite teacher, and I always think about everything he taught me. I still keep the notebook I used in his class. I miss him dearly. His teachings truly did affect me and helped me with my way of thinking and educating myself more. It helped and they are part of the person who I am today. I would be lying if I don't say that he influenced me in my major and some stuff I want to do when I'm older. I will forever miss you.

Third, there was a shooting yesterday at a high school close to mine. This is the high school I was supposed to go before I moved away but it's still close. This school is where a lot of my friends, especially someone I consider a sister of mine goes to, and what happened yesterday was one of the most horrific events ever.
Schools are supposed to be a safe learning place, Valentine's Day is about love. Parents/friends/teachers will never see the angels that passed away yesterday and that isn't right.
What a lot of non-Soflo people don't know is that Parkland, FL is one of the wealthiest, safest cities in the entire state. It has a massive police presence. If schools in Parkland aren't safe, no school is safe.
Keep the victims, survivors, and the community in your prayers, but also bring action into this. We cannot have this happening again.

[Edit: to bring positive into this, look into organizations that help promote gun control and educate yourself. We as a generation can bring change and hopefully one day we will reach the point where school shootings don't happen anymore.]

I will update maybe soon to keep my minds off thing but maybe not. I cannot make any promises but I wanted to explain too. Stay safe guys.

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