The Ugly Duckling Meets the Wolf

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Youngjae sighed, clutching onto his suitcase closely as he approached the large intimidating, metallic building glittering before him. Jung Corporations. One of the leading developers of medicine, technology, and whatever else this company could get a stock in. Never in his wildest dreams did Youngjae think he would be working here. After all he was a measly researcher that just finished getting his PhD (Memories of his dissertation still haunting him). He didn't ever expect to be within 100 feet of Jung Corporations let alone do his postdoc in one of their research labs. He had to remember to thank Himchan for hooking him up with such a great deal. Well... he guess the older did owe him for all those times he had to drive his hyung's butt home from the bar. Sometimes Youngjae really questioned how Himchan ended up being the head researcher at Jung Corporations with him being such a diva at times.

"Shit!" Youngjae glanced down at his watch, noticing that time had flew and he was late to his first day of work. He blamed the Seoul traffic. Cause seriously, like what the actual hell. Youngjae quickly walked through the pristine, polished building (slowing down every now and then so that people did look at him like a madman). Speaking of mad man, Youngjae quickly spotted himself in one of the extremely well polished windows and grimaced at his appearance. He looked like a potato...not even the nice ones that become french fries. No, he was like the spud that got left behind. His hair was all out of sorts, as if he was attacked by a band of ravage squirrels, large thick glasses covered his doe eyes (though the lenses were not prescription), and he looked like he threw on a Hefty trash bag over his frame. Never in his right mind would he willingly dress like this, but he had to. If he wanted the job anyways. Himchan had one condition of bringing Youngjae into company. An odd condition, but one in which Youngjae had to comply nonetheless.

"Yeeeaaaahhh, so all of this," Himchan leaned back into his chair, pointing his finger at Youngjae and gestured to the younger boy's entire frame. "Gots' to go."

"What?" Youngjae furrowed confused at his hyungs words.

"You're too good-looking right now. We got to ugly you up." Himchan tapped contemplating on how to make the handsome young man before him look like a sack of rocks.

"Why, hyung? You jealous?" Youngjae flashed Himchan a cocky smirk, causing the elder to scoff and roll his eyes.

"As if. You wish you had 1/10 the beauty I have," Himchan scoffed before going back into serious mode. "I'm serious, Youngjae. If you want to do your post-doc at Jung Corporations under my watch then you have to look like roadkill."

"And why is that? Is there rule against having good-looking people in the company?" Youngjae scoffed, rolling his eyes as he ran his fingers through his neatly combed hair.

"Pffft, if that was a rule than I wouldn't be working there," Himchan snorted. "No, it's not's your hyung, okay? It's for your own good trust me."

"I swear if this is some sort of prank..." Youngjae muttered under his breath as he raced up the stairs, not wanting to take the risk of being even more late by taking the elevator.

"Ah~!" The woman let out one more orgasmic scream before resting her forehead against Daehyun's shoulder. "T-that was amazing~" Her breathy voice fanning the skin of Daehyun's neck as she peeled herself from Daehyun's body.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Daehyun smirked, readjusting his pants and placing his belt back on. The woman looked over shoulder as she shimmied her panties back on her form, giving him a sly smile knowing that Daehyun was staring at her butt.

"My husband and I look forward to doing business with you." She smirked, fixing her lipstick and makeup.

"Of course, Jung Corporations looks forward to furthering our partnership with your company," Daehyun leaned forward, flashing the woman her pearly white teeth. "Be sure to tell your husband I said 'hi.'"

"Will do." She winked as she slung her pricey Vincent Camuto purse over her shoulder and exited Daehyun's office.

Daehyun let out a content sigh as he leaned back into his chair, lifting his arms above his head for a nice stretch. He stretched his neck muscles side to side before cracking his knuckles. He always enjoyed early morning sex. It was like having a cup of coffee before work. It's even better when his partner does all the work while he sits and enjoys. He let out a small yawn as he began pulling up the paperwork for the partnership with Solar Flare Entertainments. He thought it would be an interesting idea to have an entertainment industry under the company's belt. Plus his father wouldn't object as long as he received money.

"I see your meeting with CEO Lee's wife went well." Secretary Moon peeked into Daehyun's office, hoping that the man was decent. Fortunately he was.

"Of course, have I ever not pleased a woman? Or man?" Daehyun chuckled as Jongup let out a sigh. "You seemed stressed. I know a great way to get rid of that stress." Daehyun licked his lips eyeing his secretary. Jongup stared at him with a blank face.

"Are you a rabbit or something?" Jongup sighed, not falling for Daehyun's seductive nature. Jongup would admit that his boss was very attractive with his muscular physique, perfectly tan skin, pillowy plush lips, and that darn sexy mole under his eye. But he had known Daehyun since they were kids, his good looks and suave words had no effect on him. Daehyun knew of this of course. He just had a kick teasing the shorter, muscular man.

"Pfft, I'm as cute as one, right?" Daehyun playfully began doing aegyo, his voice jumping up a few octaves.

"Please don't ever do that again or I might have to wash my eyes and ears with bleach." Jongup sighed, rubbing his temples. How Daehyun was the older one, Jongup would never know.

"Ouch that hurts. And I thought we were buddies?" Daehyun mocked pain as he got up from his seat, preparing to head to a meeting with board of directors. It seems they wanted an update on the upcoming projects and his oh so lovely bitch of a step-mother always loved to check up on him. "So what is the plan for today?"

"After the board meeting, you have to go to lunch with the CEO of Infinite Industries, and then you have a webcam meeting with some of the foreign investors. And then we have to go the venue to check if everything is ready for our product announcement party." Jongup flipped through his notebook once more to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Finished meeting with the foreign investors already, they seemed quite please with our work on upgrading nanotechnology to efficiently repair large scale equipment and computers. They even connected me to some factories that are willing to produce the parts at a fraction of the cost." Daehyun flashed Jongup a cocky smirk, knowing how amazing he was that even Jongup couldn't deny it.

"I don't understand how someone with so much business savvy can be such a man whore..." Jongup scrunched his eyebrows, genuinely confused at how odd the world work to give Daehyun such an incredible business savvy mind, yet gave him a libido that would bring a porn star to shame.

"It's a talent." Daehyun shrugged before chuckling as Jongup scrunched up his face further in deep contemplation as to whether it was really a talent or a curse that Daehyun possessed.

"OOMPH!" Daehyun jumped at the sudden impact as the young man before him stumbled into his arms. "Ack! Jesus Christ, I'm sorry!" Youngjae squealed, realizing that not only was he late, but also bulldozing over people.

Daehyun looked at the young man that was still in his arms, examining his features. He let out a bored huff of air at the sight. "Just watch where you're going." Daehyun grunted, pushing the young man off him. Boooooooorrrrrriiiiinnnngggg. Daehyun didn't have the time to play with ugly things. From the young boy's thick glasses to his rag of a sweater. Everything screamed 'Not fuckable!'

"Uh sorry again!" Youngjae shouted as Daehyun and Jongup walked past him, not even giving a second glance. "Well isn't he an ass..." Youngjae grumbled before running off to meet with Himchan.

"I also don't understand how you get so many clients with that nasty attitude of yours." Jongup sighed, feeling sorry for the young boy they just encountered.

"I'm only nasty to things that I don't find worth my time," Daehyun rolled his eyes. "I can't be nice to everyone, I'm not some damn charity."

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"You're late." Himchan glared as Youngjae stumbled into the lab.

"Well who the hell told you to give me vague instructions." Youngjae growled. "What the hell does 'Lab somewhere on the 3rd or 4th floor. Look for the door that says Himchan on it.' even mean!? Do you realize how big this actual building is!?" Youngjae panted, running around all day tuckered him out.

"Awww, my poor dongsang~" Himchan teased, pinching the younger's chubby cheeks. Youngjae hissed at Himchan, slapping his hand away. "Well I'll forgive since you listen to my instructions. You look like absolute garbage, congrats!"

"Uhg, I still don't understand why I have to dress like this." Youngjae pouted, not happy that he basically looked like a hybrid between a rock and a bruised potato.

"Trust me, Youngjae. It's for you safety," Himchan placed a sympathetic hand on Youngjae's shoulder. "Anyways, let me give you a tour of the lab!" Himchan flashed him a bright grin, showing the boy his workstation, fume hood, where the chemicals were stored, etc.

"Wow! This lab is freaking huge!" Youngjae stared in awe, excited like a child in a toy store at all the exciting lab equipment and gadgets.

"Haha of course! This isn't some rinky dinky college lab like in our graduate school days," Himchan chuckled at how cute Youngjae looked staring at everything with such bright starry eyes. "Anyways, our current project is this," Himchan pulled out a small bag of pills from his pocket showing it Youngjae. "DNA based medication. Using the patient's genetic code to pinpoint which proteins and molecules to optimize or to destroy," Himchan smirked, tossing the bag to Youngjae. "We're just about done, but there are some kinks that I need your help in fixing. So far the medication is too unstables, degrades before it reaches the circulatory system for absorption."

"And you want me to find a way to stabilize it?" Youngjae raised a brow.

"Bingo! Aren't you the smart cookie!" Himchan grinned, tapping the boy's button nosed. Youngjae scrunched his face at the action, making a fake puke noise. "Anyways, today you can just get a feel for how the lab is like. Tomorrow, actual work will begin. Zelo!" Himchan gesture towards a tall, slender boy.

The tall boy nearly towered over Youngjae and Youngjae could have sworn that the boy was older than him if it wasn't for his baby face....not that Youngjae could say anything about that either. He was starting to get tired of showing his ID every time he went out drinking.

"You needed something, hyung?" Zelo looked at Himchan confused before turning his attention to Youngjae. "Who's this?"

"This is our new researcher. Zelo, Youngjae. Youngjae, Zelo," Youngjae extended his hand towards the boy, who happily grabbed it and gave it a solid shake. A bright, innocent smile adorned the boy's face. Youngjae had to keep himself from biting the boy's cheek. Youngjae always had a soft spot for soft, squishy things and Zelo was the definition of soft and squishy. Despite being the size of a tree. "Zelo here is our intern. If you have any questions you can always ask him."

"Yep! I answer the questions Himchan hyung is too lazy to-" Zelo was cut off by a light smack in the back of the head, courtesy of Himchan. Zelo pouted, face scrunched in slight pain as he rubbed the back of head.

"Don't forget I'm older than you, you cheeky brat," Himchan sneered. "Anyways, you can ask Zelo for anything. And also, be sure to dress like how you are today, everyday you go to work, got it?"

"You still haven't given me a good reason as to why Himchan. Like stop with the vague 'it's for your own good' bull." Youngjae let out an exasperated sigh. He did not like the idea of looking like a hot mess everyday of his working life (here anyways). He longed to neatly style his hair back, wear nice button ups and sweaters. But noooooo, Himchan just had to be weird and not let him have any of that.

"But it is!" Himchan dramatically flailed his arms in the air. "You're my beloved dongsang! I have to protect you from-"

"Himchan!" Himchan jumped at the sound of his name. An arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him closer to a muscular suited frame. "How is my favorite researcher?"

Youngjae examined the man, trying to figure out where he saw him before. Two minutes into deep contemplation when the light bulb finally lit. It was the man he bumped into! But this time his expression was much more pleasant than when he had met him. Youngjae then turned his attention to the shorter man, recognizing him from the previous incident as well. The two made brief eye contact, Youngjae flashing him a polite smile in which Jongup returned a little awkwardly. Youngjae didn't know why but the young secretary exuded this aura of a lost puppy that made Youngjae's parental instincts go wild.

"Just showing the new employee around, CEO Jung." Himchan forced a smile as he peeled Daehyun's arm off his shoulder.

"Oh we have a new employee!" Daehyun's eyes shined brightly with curiosity until his eyes met with Youngjae's. "Oh...." He gave Youngjae a once over, remembering him from the hallway incident. "Anyways!" Daehyun redirected his attention to Himchan. Youngjae's sneered, not appreciating Daehyun treating him as if he was a piece of trash. So what if he looked like trash!? He was a trash with feelings. Youngjae didn't care if Daehyun was his CEO....well that was a lie. He cared, but not enough that he would tolerate such rudeness. Youngjae took a deep breath, knowing that he would never get an opportunity like this ever again and the last thing he wanted to do was piss of the man who was signing his check. Even if he was an asshole. "I don't have anything to do this evening, so let's go drinking, Channie!" Daehyun pinched the elder's cheek, causing Himchan to attempt to bite his finger off.

"And why would I want to do that?" Himchan cocked a brow.

"Awww, Channie don't be like that. We had such wonderful memories together, ya know." Himchan scoffed in disbelief at Daehyun's brashness.

"All the more reason I don't want to go." Himchan spat, pushing Daehyun further away from him.

"Even if I can get you a meeting with that CEO Bang?" Daehyun smirked the moment he saw Himchan stiffen at his words. Hooked line and sinker. "Ya know, he is really handsome. That deep voice of his too. Who knows who might jump on that train."

"I'll go," Himchan announced, not letting this golden opportunity go to waste. "On one condition."

"What?" Daehyun raised a brow, wondering what Himchan could possibly conjure up.

"He has to come with us." Himchan pointed at Youngjae who stared at him in disbelief.

"What?!" Youngjae's jaw fell wide open at Himchan had basically used him as a sacrificial lamb.

Daehyun looked at over at Youngjae once more, letting out a dissatisfied sigh. Oh how much Youngjae wanted to punch the asshole. Daehyun shrugged, weighing out the cons and pros. "Sure, whatever."

"Fine! I'll see you tonight! Now scee-dat so I can get some work done unlike a certain CEO." Himchan hissed shooing Daehyun out of the lab.

"Are you going to?" Zelo voiced, his question aiming directly at Jongup.

"Yeah, someone has to watch over Daehyun unfortunately." Jongup gave Zelo a soft smile before heading off to follow Daehyun. A soft blush dusted Zelo's cheeks. Something that did not go unnoticed by Youngjae. Youngjae stifled his giggle, not wanting to embarrass the younger.

"Oh Youngjae!" Himchan called as he went through his piles of his papers at his desk.

"What now Himchan?" Youngjae sighed, quite exhausted from the hectic day.

"Be sure to look like a peice of shit tonight too."

Thanks for reading! Comments and feedback is much appreciated! 

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