*Chapter 5 - "You Guys Started Lunch Without Me?"
Sunday came as fast as Friday left. The church service was awesome, and EVANS really enjoyed the choir's performance. His granny once told him to settle down with one of them, but as cliché as it sounds, he was still waiting for true love.
First, he got dressed in a dress shirt and trousers and slipped on his sandals. He combed his messy blond hair backwards, while it refused to stay down. Next, he walked over to his fridge, selected a wine, picked up his car keys, and left the house. Then, strolled over to his truck, which was an eighteenth birthday gift from his grandpa before he passed on. The truck was old and needed to be repaired, but there was no money for that.
Mrs Elizabeth Waal's house should be only thirty minutes from his place. He had some friends living in the area. It was nicknamed the "Elites Corner," for the place was meant only for the filthy rich ones. He opened the car door and got in. Since the houses were numbered, finding Elizabeth's should be easy.
The house before him was the true definition of a mansion. He checked the number Monica told him, glanced at number on the house twice to make sure, and realized he was really at the right place. The huge house was painted light peach and the flowers in the lawn were well trimmed. Three buildings of his house could be produced out of this one home. He switched the wine from his right hand to his left, and pressed the door bell. No one answered. He shifted his weight on his feet and pressed the door bell again. The door was pushed open, slightly ajar and held in place by a short, thick chain, which prevented the door from being fully opened.
Monica came into view. "Hey, it's you!"
"Yeah, it's me." He replied. She closed the door, and then pulled it open widely, after removing the chain.
"Elizabeth! Evans is here!" Monica's voice echoed through the passage way. He handed over the wine to her in exchange for her smile and a, ' *Thank you* .'
"Hello, darling! Hope you didn't have any trouble getting here?" Elizabeth Waal chirped in as she appeared from one of the rooms.
"Not at all, Mrs Waal."
"Silly! Just call me Elizabeth." She said, and returned back into the room.
"How was church service?" Monica asked, turning to face him.
Evans checked her out from head-to-toe. Her chestnut brown hair was pulled to the side of her neck, and her mascara- coated long lashes shadowed over her brown eyes. Her lips were painted in a shade of red, and were screaming for his attention. She was wearing a multicolored flower design dress, which stopped below her knees. The slim fitted dress was sleeveless with a V-neck line, which provided a passage way into God knows where. He snapped his eyes away from her sinful area, and down to where her long legs introduced him to her simple sandals. He was shamelessly ogling this God's creature. Evans snapped back to reality and saw her cheeks burning red.
He coughed, "Ser-Service was awesome, and that's a nice dress," Evans mentally slapped himself. Damn! She was looking stunning. It was different from being stuffed up in a suit every Monday to Friday. In fact, she was beautiful.
"Oh, thanks." She replied, as she turned and led the way through the big house. He studied the pictures that lined the hallway walls, and paused when she finally stopped at the door to a room.
"Here's the dining room. I'll be right back." He entered the wide room and sat down. Large windows surrounded him and the seats around the large table were high. After two minutes, Monica re- appeared with Elizabeth on her tail.
Elizabeth was dressed in one of those rich elite's suit, if you could understand. Her grey-blonde hair was in her regular bun, and her shoes made their usual sound.
"Thanks for the wine, and I am sorry about the delay. Let's begin lunch." Elizabeth said, as she sat on the chair at the end of the table. Monica pulled out the chair beside Evans, and he silently regretted being unable to see those brown eyes of hers throughout dinner. She radiated calmness and love. Just like nature.
"Evans, please say the prayer." Elizabeth ordered, and he nodded, bowing as he said a few lines.
"...In Jesus name, I pray." He concluded.
"Amen." Monica and Elizabeth echoed. Then, they all began to eat. Monica nervously picked at her food, while Elizabeth consumed her food in voluminous quantity, yet with proper etiquette.
"You guys started lunch without me?" He turned around to see a short cute blonde as she made her way into the room.
I'll upload Evans , Monica , Mrs Elizabeth Waal and Becky's picture soon in the next few chapter!!!
What do you think will happen during dinner?? Let me know!!!
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RomanceThanks soo much for checking out this story!! It means a lot!! Bless you!! :) The 20 years old lawyer; Monica, with a haunting past, obviously did not know that everything was about to change when the mysterious human walked into her office that mor...