『 Guidelines + Rubric 』

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In order to qualify for a review, your fanfiction must abide by these guidelines

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In order to qualify for a review, your fanfiction must abide by these guidelines. However, I have the right to deny any request I do not want to write a review for.

Rules for Reviews

1.) The fanfiction you submit must be your own. You can't request that I review someone else's story.

2.) Your fanfiction must be about Pokémon. Crossovers are allowed as long as they're easy to follow without me having to know a lot about the other franchise in question.

3.) Your fanfiction must be completed or have at least five chapters.

3.1.) If your fanfiction is over 40 chapters, there is a chance I will deny it because of my own busy college student schedule.

3.2.) If you update your story while I'm reviewing it, there's a chance the most recent chapters won't be included in the review because I could've possibly finished reading the fic before that latest post went up.

4.) Your fanfiction must have decent grammar. I won't spend time reviewing a fic that's barely readable.

5.) Mature fanfics are permitted, but pornographic books focused entirely on lemons/smut aren't allowed. Books like these are against Wattpad's guidelines and will be reported.

Rules for Behavior

Reviews take time, so be patient. Also, I understand that it's difficult taking criticism, don't attack a reviewer for zir opinion when you're the one who dropped by asking for it.

My reviews are meant to be helpful, not harmful. They're supposed to aid you in your writing by helping you get better at your practice all while praising things you're already doing well. This shop exists with only good intentions in mind.

However, if you act horribly towards me then I will take action. I will:
• have your review deleted from this book
• ban you from my shop
• mute your account
• report your behavior to the other reviewers I know

You respect me, and I'll respect you. That's how things work around here.


All you have to do is vote and comment on the review of your chapter. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!


There are four categories, all of which I believe are as equally important as the other.

Plot: 25
Is the concept unique? Are ideas well-executed? Does the storyline make sense? How's the world-building?

Characters: 25
Are canon characters staying true to their personality, or are they OOC? Are the original characters Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus? Are characters likeable? Do they stick to their personality, not changing their minds every five seconds for plot convenience? Is the cast too large?

Grammar/Writing Style: 25
Are there comma splices, properly capitalized names, and accent marks? Does the tense stay consistent? Is the dialogue formatted correctly? Are descriptions too vacant, or do they never stop?

Overall Enjoyment: 25
How eager was I to click on the next chapter? Was the story so boring or frustrating that I didn't want to finish it?

Category Scale
1: Awful
5: Bad
10: Below average
12.5: Average
15: Good
20: Excellent
25: Perfection

The final score is the tally of all the categories' marks where it will then be given a letter grade.

Fic's Final Score Rating
90–100: S
80–89: A
70–79: B
60–69: C
50–59: D
0–49: F

If you have read this chapter, comment "Understood."

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