7 - Common Misconceptions About Asexuality

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The idea for this chapter literally just came to me lol 

Anyways, there are many misconceptions about asexuality. Here are a few common ones: 

• "Asexuals are just celibate/abstinent." 

That is incorrect because celibacy is a choice as well as abstinence, while asexuality, like all sexualities, is not. Celibacy can also be practiced for religious reasons. 

• "Asexuals are basically straight." 

This is incorrect because someone who experiences no sexual attraction isn't sexually attracted to the opposite sex and therefore is not heterosexual. 

• "You can't be asexual because [insert sexual action here]!" 

Action ≠ attraction. An asexual person may watch porn for many different reasons. An asexual person may write smut for the hell of it. Action ≠ attraction. 

• "Asexuals have it easy!" 

Not really. I mean, we get sex and amatonormativity shoved in our faces everywhere we go. We get told that we are confused, that we need our hormones checked, that relationships need sex in order to get anywhere, that we don't exist, and many other things. Hell, we're even excluded from the lgbt+ community. 

That's all I have for now!

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