Chapter 40

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Ayesha's POV-
"Ish wake up, we have to leave in a hour in a half," I heard Stephen say, while lightly shaking my body.
I groaned and flipped my body so the sun wouldn't be piercing through my eyes.
"10 more minutes," I pouted moving the loose hairs from my face.
"Okay, fine, only cause I love you."
"Love you too," I said before falling asleep once again.
Those ten minutes flew by because before you knew it Steph was waking me up again.
"This time we actually have to get ready Ish," Steph said rubbing my back.
I sighed, "I know, I know."
I sat up and rubbed my eyes adjusting to the light.
"I'm showering," I managed to croak out walking to the bathroom.
"At least look like you're alive!" I heard Steph yell before I shut the door.
I took about a 10 minute shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom to my room. I saw Steph finishing up the final touches of his outfit by putting a belt on.
I fell on the bed, making sure to stay covered up by my towel. I closed my eyes.
"You're that tired?" Stephen questioned. I shook my head yes, not saying anything.
"Well the sooner you get ready, the sooner you can sleep on me on the plane," Stephen said walking over to me.
"True," I groaned getting up to get ready.
"Plus if you don't get clothes on soon we might just have to miss the flight from how much your tempting me right now," Stephen sighed, while smirking. I playfully rolled me eyes and got my clothes for the day and put them on. I put on my makeup and did my hair.
Thank the lord I packed for this mini trip last night because we would miss our flight if I didn't.
About an hour later we were both ready to go. We hopped in the car and made our way to the airport.
30 minutes later we arrived. We did the normal stuff then went to our gate to wait for our call.
Once we finally heard our call we boarded the plane.
The second Steph and I sat down I cuddled into his body and let sleep take over, feeling Steph rub my back.
"Ayesha," Stephen shook my body. I opened my eyes and looked around.
"We're about to land. And I'm hoping you have enough energy to get through the day now," Stephen chuckled.
"Just need to get myself a cup of coffee and I'm ready to go," I said stretching my arms out.
"What time is it?" I asked.
He opened his phone to look at the time.
"It's 4:45. My family is already here so we will probably just head to dinner with them if that's good with you?" He asked.
"Of course," I said. He kissed my cheek.
"Good morning too you. Even though it's nighttime, this is the first time of the whole day you actually look alive."
I playfully shoved him.
"Someone kept me up all night."
"Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened as we land into New York City. Have fun exploring the the big apple!"
"And in this one mom had just caught him getting into the cake in the middle of the night," Sydel showed me a picture of Steph, with cake all over his face and body.
We both started laughing, "oh my gosh! How old was he?"
"I think we was like 4!"
She continued to show me pictures of Steph and each time we would each laugh hysterically.
"Whatcha Guys laughing about?" Seth asked smiling.
"Oh nothing," Sydel was quick to reply.
"Yeah you guys are dying over there," Stephen said trying to look at Sydel's phone, but he saw the photos.
"For real Sydel? Just wait till you get a boyfriend. I got quite the selection to show him," Steph smirked causing Sydel to roll her eyes.
I laughed at their childish ways.
Our dinner arrived and we got straight to eating.
We finished up dinner and were walking out of the restaurant.
"We're gonna head back to the hotel. Are you and Ayesha coming with or are you gonna walk around?" Sonya asked Steph.
Steph looked at me as if I were the one answering the question. I shrugged.
"We're gonna walk around for a little," Steph said.
Sonya shook her head then gave us both hugs, as her and Dell started to walk away.
"Please don't come into our room eating Ayesha's face off Steph," Seth told Steph.
"Same with our room Ayesha. I don't want to see you and my brother doing that," Sydel said making a face.
I rolled my eyes playfully, "you two are full of it."
They shrugged and we went our different ways.
Steph and I were holding hands walking through the city that was lit from all the buildings and billboards.
"I've never been to New York City," I told Steph admiring the views.
"For real? This is like the best city ever," Stephen said.
"See you got weird people like that," Stephen said nudging his head towards this person in a crazy outfit, "performers like that," Steph said pointing towards these drummers with a huge crowd surrounding them, "and the list goes on and on."
After about 30 minutes of touring and adventuring NYC, we decided to call it a night.
"We should probably head back, you got a big day ahead of you," I said pulling Stephen in for a hug.
"Probably. But I really don't want too," Stephen sighed, "I want to stay in this moment forever."
"So do I. But we gotta live life," I joked, "cmon babe."
I took his hand and made our way towards the direction of the hotel.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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