I LOOK THROUGH PIXEL STARS ~ From Inside Out by Strider Marcus Jones

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ensconced in your topiary vegetation,

with the u vowel

and tongue trowel

quickening sensation,

trickles down the eaves

morphia poches,

and smokes through notes

of cuddled conversation-

try to pin me down,

your king without a crown,

from cobbled streets

and communist meets

back then, in the day-

that come to this


contorted with decay.

if i know love at all,

it's moat without a wall-

can come and conquer me,

then share soliloquy.

i look through pixel stars,

ignoring clubs and bars,

in seas above the ground-

waiting to be found

in books of chivalry-

embedded into me.

another doing day,

forms and fades away,

as the sky drapes close-

hope constricts, and i compose

these lines of fallow furrows-

my yesterdays, for tomorrows

Copyright Strider Marcus Jones. 31st March, 2009. INSIDE OUT.

15 Poems From My Second Book INSIDE OUT By Strider Marcus JonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora