Chapter Seventeen

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"Alright Veronica, I just came back from the meeting with Mr. Winston and he said if we get those papers signed and sent to him in three days then we can start building." I walked into the building and gave Katherine a nod before making my way over to the elevator.

"So I'm going to send you the link for the papers and I want them printed out and then I want you to go and read the final print and come back to me with the results before I sign the papers." I stepped inside and leaned against rail.

"Yes sir, is there anything else you need me to do Mr. King?" Veronica asked me. I let out a sigh while rubbing my hands through my hair before moving down and loosing my tie.

"No Veronica, that would be all. I want you to enjoy the rest of your night and just relax. I'll talk you you tomorrow." I said as I was messing with my clothes.

"Alright sir, you take it easy tonight and tell my precious blue eyed friend I said hey." I rolled my eyes at her precious comment about Bambi. She can have her so called"precious" moments.

But other times I just want to lock her in the closet or just put duct tape over her mouth.

"Will do Veronica. Talk to you later." With that I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.

I was so ready to get to the condo. I was ready to get out of this suit and tie and just get comfortable.

I was hoping after my meeting this morning and handling some customers, I could get some rest.

Then, going to see Bambi performing today at the girl's wedding reception took more energy from me.

I was very surprised that she came and danced with me. I wasn't expecting that but I'm going to be honest, I did have a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I had fun like that.

Then the food they fed us made me even more tired. I thought after the wedding reception, I would be able to go to the condo, change into something comfortable, and get into the bed.

Yet, I was wrong.

I had to get a call from Mr. Winston to go over the papers and the man was talking forever.


Now that everything is done, I can go to the condo and go to sleep.

I wonder what Bambi is doing at this moment. I think she's with Seth at this moment.

Looking at my watch, it was almost 11:00.

Leo should be back for his errands that I asked him to do for me. So he's either in my room or in the other hotel room. I know he should be in the room so...

That leaves the little youngsters.

I hope they are having fun but not too much fun. I don't need my room to be trashed. Lord knows I don't feel like cleaning up or doing anything else for that matter.

I'm just ready to get into the bed.

I stepped out of the elevator and let out another tired sigh. That ride only made me even more tired and even more sleepy.

I was ready to get into this bed.

I am ready to close my eyes and sleep.

Walking down the hallway, I took out my access card I let out a yawn and rubbed my hand through my hair.

Here I am.

I'm almost there.

I can feel it now.

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