"Alright Veronica, I just came back from the meeting with Mr. Winston and he said if we get those papers signed and sent to him in three days then we can start building." I walked into the building and gave Katherine a nod before making my way over to the elevator.
"So I'm going to send you the link for the papers and I want them printed out and then I want you to go and read the final print and come back to me with the results before I sign the papers." I stepped inside and leaned against rail.
"Yes sir, is there anything else you need me to do Mr. King?" Veronica asked me. I let out a sigh while rubbing my hands through my hair before moving down and loosing my tie.
"No Veronica, that would be all. I want you to enjoy the rest of your night and just relax. I'll talk you you tomorrow." I said as I was messing with my clothes.
"Alright sir, you take it easy tonight and tell my precious blue eyed friend I said hey." I rolled my eyes at her precious comment about Bambi. She can have her so called"precious" moments.
But other times I just want to lock her in the closet or just put duct tape over her mouth.
"Will do Veronica. Talk to you later." With that I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.
I was so ready to get to the condo. I was ready to get out of this suit and tie and just get comfortable.
I was hoping after my meeting this morning and handling some customers, I could get some rest.
Then, going to see Bambi performing today at the girl's wedding reception took more energy from me.
I was very surprised that she came and danced with me. I wasn't expecting that but I'm going to be honest, I did have a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I had fun like that.
Then the food they fed us made me even more tired. I thought after the wedding reception, I would be able to go to the condo, change into something comfortable, and get into the bed.
Yet, I was wrong.
I had to get a call from Mr. Winston to go over the papers and the man was talking forever.
Now that everything is done, I can go to the condo and go to sleep.
I wonder what Bambi is doing at this moment. I think she's with Seth at this moment.
Looking at my watch, it was almost 11:00.
Leo should be back for his errands that I asked him to do for me. So he's either in my room or in the other hotel room. I know he should be in the room so...
That leaves the little youngsters.
I hope they are having fun but not too much fun. I don't need my room to be trashed. Lord knows I don't feel like cleaning up or doing anything else for that matter.
I'm just ready to get into the bed.
I stepped out of the elevator and let out another tired sigh. That ride only made me even more tired and even more sleepy.
I was ready to get into this bed.
I am ready to close my eyes and sleep.
Walking down the hallway, I took out my access card I let out a yawn and rubbed my hand through my hair.
Here I am.
I'm almost there.
I can feel it now.
My body sinking into my cloud like bed.
Putting the card in the key slot, I could feel the goosebumps hitting all over my body. The thought that my bed was just a couple of steps away, it just made me happy.
I heard the click and I could just scream with joy.
I opened the door and walked in.
Finally, sleep here I come.
What the hell?
I closed the door behind me and walked even farther into my condo only too see it was a mess.
There was candy wrappers everywhere, soda cans on the table and floor.
Seth's shirt and pants along with Reigny's clothes was in a pile in the corner of living room.
I could feel my body shake and my hands formed into a fist.
I not even mad.
I am livid.
I've been gone all day sitting through meetings and behind my desk with a pile of papers. Then I has to go back out to meet with Mr. Winston who talked forever. And now I have to come home to this.
My condo looking like a pig style.
All I want to do is go to fucking sleep.
Is that too much to ask?
Where are those two troublemakers?
"Reigny!! Seth!!"
I turned around only to see Reigny in my view. I took in her appearance to see that she was in some red Minnie Mouse shorts and a white wife beater.
Well, I understand why she took her clothes just so she could change into her pajamas. But what I want to know is why is Seth and Reigny's clothes on the floor of my living room.
I got knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a loud and playful squeal. I turned my attention back to the little Bambi only to see that she was charging towards me.
Oh shit.
She leaped into the air and let out a somewhat animal nosie.
What is this girl doing?
Once I noticed that she was about to land on me, I had to brace myself, dropping my briefcase on the ground.
I caught her in my arms. My hands were under her thighs which were kind of wrapped around my waist and her arms were around my neck.
What has gotten into this girl?
"DANTE!!!!!!!" She screamed out loud making me cringe. Why is she being so loud? And why does she has so much energy this late.
Wait a minute.
I looked into her eyes and saw that her pupils were big, her body was shaking in a frenzy like way and she had a joker smile on her face.
That explains everything. The candy, the sodas, everything.
This girl has a major sugar rush.
This is bad. Totally bad.
I did not come home to deal with this little girl right now. She's already be hyper enough without the sugar rush but now she has gone insane.
And now was not the time for me to be dealing with her.
"Dante!!! Estoy tan feliz de que estés en casa. Extrañé tu gran cabeza. Ahora que has vuelto, finalmente podemos divertirnos un poco !!!!!!!!" She yelled to the top of her lungs before jumping out of my arms and running back into her room.