Part 12

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"Derek, I'm telling you important things!", Stiles spoke up when Isaac entered the house with Scott. "Are we interrupting something important?", Scott asked. "No", Derek said as Stiles said "yes". Stiles threw Derek a death glare who just rolled his eyes. "He is talking about the unfairness we have towards oranges", Derek explained and Scott rolled his eyes too. "Again?", Scott sounded as if this wasn't the first time he had to hear something like that. "What?", Isaac asked confused. "No, don't...", Derek tried to stop him but Stiles had already opened his mouth. "Good that you asked, Isaac. You see I think that oranges are really underappreciated. The poor fruit is just underrated. Have you ever heard anybody say that oranges are their favourite fruit? No! You didn't! Everyone goes on about how strawberries are the best, or melons or some crazy thing like the dragon fruit. But hey! What about the poor orange? Oranges are here for you the whole year. You can eat them AND you drink orange juice nearly every day for breakfast. Oranges keep you healthy the whole year, but no those snobs go with crazy summer fruits as their favourites anyway. I'm telling you, oranges are the real fruit mvps here", Stiles explained and Derek shook his head laughing. "I told you not to ask", he said and was quite dumbstruck when he heard Isaac speak up. "You're right! Same goes with apples. I mean come on there are so many different tasty apples and apple juice is the best. Still so many take them for granted!", Isaac seconded. Stiles smiled brightly at him. "Isaac, you are the orange of my friends", he smiled softly. "That's so sweet", Isaac grinned and Stiles opened his arms for him to lean in. "Derek would you go pick up some oranges for me at the store?", Stiles asked with Isaac in his arms "I got kinda hungry from all the talking and the vitamin is good for the baby". "Of course I will", Derek walked over and pecked him on the lips. "Scott, go with him and pick up apples, please", Isaac pleaded. "One of each kind so we can taste all apples", Stiles said and Scott sighed in defeat and followed Derek out to the car.
When they returned, Stiles was asleep on Isaac's lap, who smiled contently. "Hey, baby. Why are you smiling?", Scott asked when he came over to kiss him on the forehead. "I'm listening to the heartbeats", Isaac said and closed his eyes, enjoying the sound. Derek smiled happily and knelt down beside Stiles. "Hey baby, we're back", he whispered in his mate's ear and Stiles hesitatntly opened his eyes to see Derek. "Heeyyy", he mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "We brought your fruit", Scott announced proudly and held up the bag with groceries. "Good I'm starving", Stiles held his belly while bringing himself back into a sitting position. "Of course you are", Scott sassed and went to cut the fruit for them. He returned quickly and placed a plate of cut oranges and apples in front of them. Stiles looked from the plate to Derek. "You know what would go awesome with the fruit?", he asked hopefully. "I have a vague idea that it might be Nutella", Derek grinned and handed Stiles the jar of Nutella that he had already brought with him, cause he knew his mate just too well. "God, I love you so freaking much", he smiled as he took the jar from Derek and opened the lid to dip his slice of apple into the creamy heaven that was inside. "I thank god for Nutella each and every single day of my life", Stiles smiled as he dipped another slice of fruit into the jar "and for oranges and apples of course". "Absolutely", Isaac supported him and they munched on their fruit in peace. "Please don't tell me you are pregnant too", Scott asked half scared and half joking. "Don't worry Scott, I just had my period", Isaac joked but when Scott looked at him still nervous he clarified "I am not pregnant Scott. We didn't even have sex on a full moon. Also it would only work if you were an alpha". "It only works when you are an alpha?", Scott asked. "Yeah it does", Derek confirmed and Scott released a breath. "I've never been happier, not to be an alpha", Scott said. "Does that mean you don't want kids with me?", Isaac asked. "Are you saying that Derek and I are unlucky?", Stiles asked in the same moment. "Are you saying that being an alpha is bad?", Derek said more to tease Scott than actually being offensed by his words. "Of course I want kids with you someday", Scott said sternly "just...I don't think now is the best moment for us. What I mean is that I think the both of us are too young not only in age but in mind. You see, Derek is a great alpha and he is responsible and Stiles has been caring for his father for years and he was pack mom for all of us. These two are basically meant to be parents as soon as possible. I just think that we still need some time". "I know", Isaac smiled at his boyfriend "I love you". "I love you too", Scott smiled and pecked his lips. "You know, I think that was the smartest thing I ever heard coming out of that mouth of his", Stiles stated and everyone laughed, then Stiles got a little serious and asked "Do you really think we will be good parents?" "I am like a hundred percent sure", Scott stated truthfully, Derek could hear his heartbeat. "Derek has been a better father figure in those few weeks than my father in all those years. Okay that isn't exactly hard but my point is that Derek, you might be really serious, but I know that you care for everyone around you and you do everything for those you love. And Stiles...", Isaac stated and Scott took over from that moment. "You cared for me from the second we met, you took care of your dad and you look after everyone in the pack. The two of you are a perfect team and will be truly good parents", he told them. "Yeah that baby will always be loved and taken care of", Isaac smiled "I am a little jealous actually". "Thank you guys", Stiles smiled after they had laughed about Isaac's statement and Derek wiped a tear from Stiles' cheek and kissed his hair.

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