Chapter 3

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Shanes pov

I've been thinking about adoption for a while now I can't believe we are actually going to finally meet her. Ryland and I had always talked about wanting children we are in the car right now on our way to meet her.

The lady on the phone I Think her name was Miss Smith said that she had a hard childhood and that her birth parents died in a drunk driving accident so she can be kinda shy at times , but is also very sweet.

I wonder if she knows us already or not there are many kids who watch my videos but I'm not sure if Miss Smith mention it at all to her she said that they try to surprise them cause they feel like it makes the momment more special for when they get adopted or something like that.

I look at Ryland and think about what's going to happen after this and us raising a child together I love him so much I hope we will be good fathers to her.

     " So are you as nervous as I am?" I asked Ryland
"Shane yes I'm nervous but I'm sure it will be okay I know you will be a great father to her I'm sure she is way more nervous then we are."

"Yea your probably right I just hope she likes us." I tell him Nervously.

"Shane I'm sure she is going to love us just as much as we will love her everything will be fine." He says as he holds my hand and we smile at each other almost at the adoption center.

I drive into the driveway and park the car and "now we can do this together okay. " Ryland says smiling at me . He so amazing I don't know what I did to diserve him .
"Yes lets do it together" we walk out of the car and walk to the front doors of the building "you ready?" Ryland asked me I take a deep breath and say "Yea I think I am. " and knock on the door a women opens the door....

    "Ah Mr.  Shane Yaw and Ryland Adams I'm so glad you two could make it Emma is so excited to meet you guys right this way."

To be continued.......

Hey guys sorry for the long updated and yes I left you guys with a cliffhanger I know you hate me lol anyways I hope you like this chapter I'm so sorry for it being short and the long wait for it the next update will be longer I promise 😊 thank you guys for waiting

Adopted by Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams Where stories live. Discover now