Warnings: speaking very boldly about eating disorders and the silences that engulf the screams those who suffer, and turns them into whispers.
Stomach churns,
Legs ache.
I cant even think straight!
I must keep going
I can't be fat
Lovely, am I pretty yet?Worked for hours
They had to pull me away
Away from the treadmill and even in my dismay
A part of me is grateful, a part of me rings mad.
Why can't I just slip away?Purges
An epidemic, it destroys the nations.
Its of the mind
Its of the heart
Can't they tell it's tearing me apart?They say I'm to young to understand,
But i'm turning 18 and
Despite being a child in the eyes of the world
I know what it's like to suffer and endure.
Why can't they see the torture I make myself commit?If they really want to call out something I haven't experienced
Try letting me be heard
Trust me. I know it sounds absurd
To those older, and claiming to be wiser.
But if they were so wise
Wouldn't they have killed the plague that takes their children's minds already?I don't blame them for the monsters in me;
It's not like they are visible for all to see.
But i do, however blame the elders
For trying to silence my screams of thunder.
I starve myself;
I work out until I can't think.
I've tried purging, and every weight loss trick i could possibly think.
I have a mental issue, its pretty obvious.
So why try to silence my booms with society's filling lies?Let
Poems for the Mad
PoetryThe title says it all, just some different poems that go from my brain to you. (Cover not done by me, done by the amazing @LaurenDMSmith)