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So...things were a little crazy today.

Well, not really...only a couple of things changed.

First of all...
We had a shadow student at school today.

If you don't know, a shadow student is basically a student who is interested to coming to a certain school, but wants to learn about it first before they make their decision, so they come to visit for a day (or at least part of the day) and are assigned to a shadow buddy, which is a student that already goes to the school of interest that is in the same grade as the shadow student. The shadow buddy shows the shadow student around school as they go throughout the day.


Because of the shadow student, the table I normally sit at in lunch was full, so I had to sit by myself.

At first I was disappointed. I was looking forward to sitting with my friends.

But, then again, it was nice to be on my own without dirty-minded freaks peeking over my shoulder and asking what I'm doing every 10 seconds.

So that was that.

If you don't know (which you probably don't...) my class had to make posters with our design for a Rube Goldberg machine and I had to present today.

The funny thing is, I was supposed to have it yesterday, but I wasn't able to bring it because I accidentally left it at school and was unable to work on it. There were other students — too many other students — who didn't have theirs either, so the teacher announced anyone who doesn't have it automatically gets points taken off.

After class, however, he called me over and said he wouldn't count off for me since the days I had in class to work on it I worked diligently, and it's understandable that I made a simple mistake and left it at school.

So I didn't get points off, and I'm happy about that!

I'm not sure what my grade is, though. Probably either a high B or a low A.


I played DDLC again today (i got and started it yesterday)

~spoilers ahead~

...I got to the scene of Sayori hanging herself.

I knew it was coming. I braced myself for it.
It wasn't enough.

The scene caught me off guard.

The loud sting that played when I entered the room made me jump.

A shiver ran down my spine as the music played and the scene glitched, zooming in on Sayori's face.

My arms went limp and dropped to my sides.
I couldn't stop them.

I was making the same face Sayori was, too.

Also, about the music...
It's really fitting.

Of course, there's that wavering note in the beginning, like it's nervous.

Then the sweet music starts, almost as if everything is normal...
...then it seems to realize what happens and glitches out and stops, going to a more depressing version with off-key notes.

It's almost as if it says:

"We're back to see Sayori! Oh, wait- wait, oh...ohhh...oh no... could this happen?"

Which is basically what might be on anyone's mind the first time they see or play DDLC, actually. really scared me.

When I first realized things were leading up to that, I started panicking, thinking I did something wrong, because I thought there'd be a way to avoid it.

I was wrong.

When the choice came up whether to say "I love you" or "You'll always be my dearest friend," I chose the friend one, knowing the love one would overwhelm her.

I didn't know it'd happen either way until I googled it after making the choice...

I was screaming and wailing, but somehow didn't cry.

When Monika said, "You really left her hanging this morning," that's what really set me off.

I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

I immediately screamed at the top of my lungs and started hyperventallating.

It took a good ten minutes for me to calm down enough to continue.

But, man...
That whole experience was...traumatizing.

~end of spoilers~

So yeah...
That's today.


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