Chapter 33 | Alpha

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(Unedited Feb 2018)

It was the day before the next full moon and I was not looking forward to it one bit. My body felt stronger yet again as well as that my senses were heightened too.

In fact, I was scared once more and dreading the pain that will consume me and the darkness taking over my body, as I will no longer have any control over myself.

Especially knowing far well that my next transformation will be underneath an abandoned cottage in a cell tied up, with the boys as well in the other lockups.

I was not looking forward to being the naked in front of them afterwards.

But then again, Chloe and Shannon a have been preparing the cabin to make sure everything will go smoothly for us. They had been a great help, making sure the chains and cuffs were all secured, the bars were stable and strong, so we could not escape. What we didn't know or had seen the first time we entered the chambers, the fact that door was metal, which you cannot even open it unless you are opening it from the outside only with the black latch, meaning we cannot even get out from the basement, whatever may happen.

They were preparing to give us blankets and any extra pieces of clothing that may get ruined throughout the process of going through the Change.

I could tell Shannon was very excited but also scared at the same time, as she could not be certain of that any of this was real and happening at all. She could not believe that werewolves were real. She could not comprehend the situation.

Besides she wonders if anything else that we all once believed that were supposed to be in story books, were in reality too.

No one had found the place, and no one had even saw us disappear into the woods. The cabin was very vacant and neglected.

We didn't even see Chase or the young man again.

However, the girls did start to see the change within us all, especially Damon. They did see the other side to us and even mentioned to me how much the boys had changed in such a small amount of time, since knowing each other for years. They've noticed the glowing eyes, the fangs creeping out, claws appearing and our tempers, our new-found strength quite a lot more. It scared them both, but they did start getting used to it and calmed them down.

It didn't go unnoticed to Chloe how suddenly dominate and powerful Damon had become but he didn't know why he felt this way over us. He didn't know why he has such ability to do that, as Chloe asked him once and once only. She didn't know I was the only one that overheard her conversation with them, accidently.

The word Alpha keeps repeating in my head besides I personally think I need to go and see Chloe about it, because I had a funny feeling she knew what I was thinking.

Jasmine was currently helping me with my English assessment, checking over my mistakes, and made sure everything made sense as the handing over date was tomorrow. For the first draft. Moreover, I was dreading it.

The assignment was comparing any two of Shakespeare's plays and linking them, with references, what was the play about, likes and dislikes about them etcetera.

It was a pain in the backside. I enjoy reading books, not comparing them. I believe every book is individually beautiful in its own right.

Sarah, the girl that took photographs of the full moons and astronomy, was currently sat with us as well, as she was wanting a helping hand with her work after helping me with mine.

I still couldn't believe that her gut instinct was right about that night when the fire happened. That she knew somehow, something was going to happen.

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