3. Eva

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The solid frozen drops of water pelted the earth with full force as I slowly made my way through the crepuscular streets, a single, sodium light in the distance being the only glimmer of illumination for miles.

The world was eerily silent.
The sound of a gunshot echoed off the walls of a narrow alley nearby. Although I was shaking violently with fear, some part of me was filled with curiosity. I cautiously stepped into the narrow alley.

I heard heavy footsteps running in my direction and all of a sudden, a figure ran straight into the alley and abruptly stopped, leaving us face to face.

He was so close I could feel his icy cold breath down my sweating neck. So close his contemplating eyes pierced my innocent hazel eyes. I could feel him gazing deep into my soul. His hair was drenched by the storm and lay limp of his forehead as his tall, broad figure towered over me.

It felt as if the time itself had come to an abrupt stop. The world had been plunged into a deadly silence as we stared into each other's souls. I'd forgotten about everything in life and my entire focus was directed to this mysterious man. I don't know how long we stood there. A minute? Two minutes? An hour? But the connection was quickly broken after a sudden sound.

The silence was instantly broken by the sound of police sirens that filled the streets. As quick as a flash, the mysterious man fled the scene and ran as quick as lightning, away from the alley. I was left dumbfounded, alone in the narrow, confined path.

I soon came back to my senses and slowly, silently made my way home. My mind whirred as I flopped onto my fury sofa. What had just happened? Who was this mysterious man? Was our meeting fate? And the main question was, How could a human being be so hot?!
I soon realised my complete stupidity. I needed to calm down and get some sleep. Why was I overthinking this so much. I closed by tired eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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