When you meet a person they are a blank canvas.
Only a face and their looks are displayed.
So you add a small piece to the puzzle.
The first impression comes next,
With that a larger piece is added.
Finding out their personality, their quirks, their hobbies, their peeves, their perfect imperfections come next.
Then their beliefs, morals, opinions are added to the mix.
Their insecurities and hidden traits are discovered when your trust is earned.
Listen to their rants, their seemingly useless talking, watch them when they think no one is watching, watch how they treat people, especially watch how they treat people less fortunate then them.
Discover their history, what shaped them into the person they are today.
Learn all there is to know about them.
When you know all that you have a full canvas, it may be broken or cracked in places but it is who they are, the real them, the full them, and you can help put them back together.