"Hey Yuri," i ask as i sit down and he looks up "i have always wondered why you started skating?" I take another bite of my cake and look at Yuri his frown was slightly smaller and his eyes had a spark of nostalgia and happiness in them. "I started skating when i was really young my grandfather would take me skating and he would always tell me that i was gonna become a great skater if i just worked hard so i followed his advice and look at where i am now." At the end of his story he had a small smile and a few tears had come to his eyes and where running down his cheeks. When he looked up I ,without thinking, cupped his cheek and wiped his tears away with my thumb. I relized what i did i was about to pull away but before i could yuri puts his hand over mine and a small pink tint dusting over both of our cheeks. We stayed like that until we heard a loud "EKKKKKKKKKKK," this makes both me and Yuri take our hands away and look at the culprit. There not far away stood Victor, Victor Fucking Nikiforov! Yuri groaned and i got excited, then he walked over. Ok Julia don't fuck this up your just about to meet one of your idols make a good impression! I mentally scream at myself as he takes a seat next to yuri. "So," he looks to me "who are you?" I exhale and say "I'm Julia Mayer Yakov's new student from Germany," i say politely he stretch's his hand out and i hesitantly put mine in but instead of shaking it he brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it, causing me to nearly screech. But instead i just blush a bright red and take my hand back one he releases it. What i just relized that Yuri was glaring with Victor with a look that could kill, once, Victor notices he chuckles and says "aww is someone jealous that i kissed their little girlfriend?" This cause me and Yuri to blush and he says "Jesus old man she's not my girlfriend," he said as he looked down and took a bite of his cake, i was going to say something but my phone rang so I pick up. When i did this was the following conversation:
Me: hey bestie! How's Amer-
???- Julia i have bad news...
Me- Mrs. Müller what's wrong?
Mrs. Müller- Mia she's..
Me- what's wrong with Mia I'm her best friend I deserve to know! (I nearly screamed for the second time today)
Mrs. Müller- she's -mumble-
Me-she's. What.
Mrs. Müller- she's missing! (She screamed so loud that Yuri and Victor could hear her and they both gave me sad and confused looks)
Me- what? (I was almost silent and a few tears had started to run down my cheeks)
Mrs. Müller- yeah she is I'm sorry she went missing last night and i was just able to call you I'm sorry but i have to go now bye little one
Me- b-bye
When i put my phone down i had just relized yuri was next to me with a sad look with a hand on my shoulder and victor had taken my free hand and was rubbing circles on it. "Julia what happened," victor asked with a soothing voice. "S-she's gone," i managed to stutter out. With that i had taken my hand from Victor and had hugged Yuri "Julia do you want me to drive you home," Victor asked. I nodded and Yuri let go of me and we stood up threw away our trash and Victor drove me home. The best part was i got to hug Yuri the whole time.

When two skaters meet (Yuri Plisetsky x OC)
RomanceWhat happens when the famous Russian Punk meets with the german ice princess? Yuri walks into the rink expecting it to be a regular day of practice boy was he wrong...