Intelligence typ

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Intelligence 9 types

Musical intelligence

Which means your have indicates sounds , whether , tone and pitch, creating

Natural intelligence
Which Means understand plant ,makeup,colors,smart phones etc .

Logical mathematical intelligence
Witch means are good with formalist relationships between factors and the reasoning such as detective and detective .

Existential intelligence
Which means people who have existential are good with philosophical thinkers they are good philosophizing And have good thinking philosophy may not having releasing the answer they have sensitive towards the deep questions of the life changing with calculate .

Interpersonal intelligence
people with interpersonal H/Q they have often good communication with others they are good with noticing others sifting moods and motive they often called with High empathy and social orientation work such a teaching social work.

Bodily - kinesthetic intelligence
People with bodily- kinesthetic love movement they have high body awareness and good motor skills because of this after selective of body movement such a sport and dancing .

Linguistic intelligence
People with H/Q linguistic are better than average understanding they turn pick up learning new words and languages quickly its warily sheet skill the found people working general teaching even public speaking .

Intra- personal intelligence
People with H/Q intra - personal they are good understanding the roan ,feelings ,thoughts and working achieve goals they are good motivation themselves from the inside out without any possible, physical they involves more just the understanding and planing they goals but also resonates appreciate than human condition people with Intra personal are often good philosophy's or psychologically's

Spatial intelligence

People with spatial H/Q are good thinkers with mental manipulations of physical respective's this people tends by very skills map reading and throwing objects situations different exceptive without necessarily having seeing for exceptive they do not easily get lost and often are working away under the mails spatial reasoning image manipulation traffic artistic skills are often boat ,piloting, painting or architecture future spatial.

I written this all day hope you're like guys thanks! ;)

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