The months that followed Emily’s death were hard for me, I pulled further away from the other children trying desperately not to get too close again. I wasn’t letting it affect my work because it was my job and unfortunately things like that were bound to happen, but I didn’t want to make it any harder for myself.
I made a routine call to her parents to find out how they were coping, they told me they visit her every day and it helps. I promised them that I would visit her as soon as I could because I didn’t hang around long enough to see them bury her and so I would like to say my final goodbyes.
I hadn’t cried again and I knew Dom was watching me as if I could break at any moment but I wouldn’t. I had Emily’s promise in the front of my mind and I was focusing on that to keep me sane. Dom and I had been putting all of our spare energy into making it come true and we had found a lovely lady who was prepared to be a surrogate for us.
We had paid her fifteen thousand pounds and we were covering her expenses such as travel to and from the hospital and any maternity clothes that she needed. Her name was Millie Holmes and she was a very pretty and bright young woman. She was training to be a teacher so we were thrilled that she loved kids and would take care of our baby while she was carrying it.
She was coming up to her twenty week scan and Doming was so nervous to find out the sex of our first baby. Everything had gone perfectly so far and we had been meeting up with Millie every other day to make sure she was feeling ok and not stressed at all. Dom was desperate to find out the sex because he wanted to prepare the nursery and instead of listening to me and painting it neutral colours he begged me to let us find out the gender.
I had wanted to keep it a surprise but he was just too excited so I agreed and now he was bouncing about waiting for the scan to come around. Every time we went out he would stop at windows or in the baby section and pick out everything that he wanted to buy. He couldn’t wait to be a daddy and I knew that he would make a perfect parent because when he loved someone he never let them forget it for a second.
We had decided to use Domingo’s sperm the first time around and together with Millie’s contribution I knew our child would be perfect. I guess every parent thought that about their children but with Domingo’s beautiful skin tone and dark hair and Millie’s blue eyes and tinkling laugh he or she would be stunning.
I hoped that the baby would inherit their intelligence as well because it wasn’t all about how beautiful my child would look. I wanted them to become successful and have all of their dreams come true. At first I had been a little worried that the baby would be too like Millie or wouldn’t accept me as their father. However, Millie would have no contact once the baby was born and as I am married to Domingo, I automatically become the baby’s father too.
Domingo squashed any doubts that I had and I realised that together we would raise the baby to love us both equally and only when they are old enough would we explain everything. I think Domingo had his heart set on a little girl although he would never admit it. I didn’t mind either way but every time he picked something up in the shops he seemed to gravitate towards the pink things.
We had also discussed several names but we couldn’t agree on anything together so we finally decided that it would be best to meet our baby first. We had several options for boy’s names but hardly any for girls and it was becoming a little worrying. So the decision to just wait made us both relax, at least this way were weren’t just settling for anything.
When the appointment finally came around Dom and I met up with Millie and drove to the hospital together. The doctor there was very kind and answered all of my technical questions with a smile. Sometimes I got carried away a bit and Domingo had to squeeze my hand telling me to relax a bit.
She showed us to a small room where they kept the ultrasound and Millie was asked to lie down on the bed. The doctor added the jelly to Millie’s stomach making her laugh at how cold it was then the machine was turned on and Dom and I held our breaths.
As she moved the ultrasound over Millie’s growing tummy we watched the screen with bated breath. Eventually we could see the outline of our baby, glowing all white against the black on the screen. The doctor pointed out different body parts and turned up the monitor so that we could hear the heartbeat and I swear I had to swallow back my tears of happiness.
Domingo grabbed my hand as the doctor asked us if we would like to know the sex of our baby and Dom nodded eagerly at her. She moved the ultrasound around a bit more then turned to us smiling, she pointed at the screen and told us that we were having a little girl.
Domingo gasped beside me and I looked over to him to see his eyes filling with tears. I smiled back at him he was so incredibly happy right now and the look on his face just reminded me why I loved him so much. We were given a printed picture of the baby and left the hospital with Millie in tow.
When we got home Dom pinned the picture to the fridge and stood staring at it until I wrapped my arms around him from behind. He leaned back so that his head was resting against my shoulder as we both looked at our baby and how tiny it was.
“You know I’ve been thinking.” He said smiling.
“Oh, what about?”
“I think we should call her Emily, I think she would have liked that don’t you?” He replied looking at me through his lashes.
“Emily Mendez….Emily Mendez. I love it and yes she would have loved it too.” I whispered.
It was just like Dom to be so very sweet like that, to name our child after the sweetest child I had ever met. It was the perfect way to keep the promise to Emily that we would carry her memory with us as we raise our own child. Domingo believed that Emily had helped us with our baby that she made the road easy for us and I was starting to agree with him.
It seemed like someone was watching over us and I hoped she approved of our own little Emily.
Ok I really apologise for this chapter. I am hoping it is just a temporary glitch :0(

I'm still into you. (Book 2)
RomanceDomingo Mendez followed Charlie Adams to England so that he could fulfil his lifelong dream. As the pair start a new life together they both feel like nothing can come between the love they have for one another. The fates sometimes have another stor...