Dreams do come true
I don't know what kind of dreams are yeh talking about but dreams in waking life has some bulk hard work to do.
And dreams in our sleep do come true.
It is not a form of unresolved reality or memories in the past and recent day, waking life.
Of sometimes, it is. If you remember what happened during the day to have pictured that in your dreams after you wake up.Dreams in your sleep do come true, maybe not by tomorrow or the next day, but the next time you have a déjà vu, maybe it did happen you dreamt of it and it is happening similarly now, but take note it will not exactly be identical as how you pictured it. No worries
Dreams do come true in your waking life. If you envision it!
Be a visionary
It is very important to have a vision and next create a mission.
For you to reach your expectation.
You must have an ambition.
Science FictionClassic Quotes of the ever changing life. Quotes that upholds all areas, topics, subjects, issues, situations, anyhow, anywho. To whereas or wherein, whichever, however, whenever, behold. .