Chapter 7: Constrictor Knots (Sadie)

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          "Miss Sadie, can I have my snack now?"

         "Can I use the fire truck please?"

         "Miss Sadie can I use the extra jump rope to show you a knot that my brother taught me?"
Tiny voices come from every direction as I put my bag down, having only just arrived in the classroom. My luck as usual, class decided to run a bit late today and traffic was horrendous on the way over, the bus stopped twice as much as usual, causing me to be late. Something that doesn't work well with children who have already spent all day in class and are ready for a break. The young girl who was filling in for me waves quickly before slipping out of the door; I don't blame her. The first day back is always a crazy one.

       "No you can't have your snack now we will be having snack in a few minutes, it's time to clean up so no fire truck and absolutely not Kyle! Where are the jump ropes, I'm going to put it away until play time outside." Kyle looks at me sheepishly, pointing over to the corner of the room where I see Jace wrapped up tight in one of the jump ropes, sitting in a chair looking helpless. "Oh Jace!" I rush over, avoiding all the tiny feet and small bodies that are scattered on the floor, reading and playing with toys.

    "Miss Sadie, could you untie me please?" Jace's tiny voice matches the level of a whisper and I want to awe out loud at how adorable he is. Jace is one of the children that melt your heart just looking a them. His innocence and manners shine brightly  and he has never once been in trouble, always doing what is right and helping others.

    "Of course I can." Standing behind him pulling at the rope as best I can, Kyle has managed to tie a few tight knots that look almost impossible to loosen. "Why did you let Kyle tie you up Jace?" Jace tends to go along with all of the other kids crazy ideas, never participating but usually used as the scapegoat or experiment.

     "Kyle told me that he wanted to show me his constrictor knot that his older brother taught him. I didn't know he was going to tie me up. I'm sorry Miss Sadie." Per usual, Kyle has managed to cause some kind of havoc in my classroom once again. My last class before summer a few months ago, Kyle managed to accidentally lock Jace inside of the bathroom. He had brought his screwdriver to school and unscrewed the door handle, and then his mom came to pick him up. Poor Jace spent a half hour in the bathroom before I could find a Custodian to let him out. His mother was completely understanding of course, never once angry over the crazy things Kyle does to him. The two of them are best friends Jace says, something I can easily see but worry about in the future.

     "Well Kyle isn't going to be showing anyone his knot again. Right Kyle?" I look over at the culprit, whose hands are behind his back, looking at the ground.

     "Yes Miss Sadie. I won't show anyone the knot again." I nod my head happily and manage to break through the last knot. Jace's arms are loose and he smiles as he stands up from the chair, moving next to Kyle.

     "I'm sorry Jace." Kyle whispers to his friend, who smiles happily and accepts the apology without a second thought.

    "How about you two sit down and we can start snack time! I think everyone needs some relaxing time before we go outside to play." Kyle and Jace both nod heading over to their table in the opposite corner. Some kids immediately follow by example and sit down as well. With both of the boys being the oldest two in my classroom at just 4 and 5 years old. "Okay everyone, let's get into our seats please!"

     The majority of the kids run quickly to their seats, excited for snack time and the fun that comes afterwards. However, there is always the rebel that likes to challenge me and continue playing with their toys, Iris happens to be that little pain in the ass.

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