And that was the position Sarah and Charlie were in before Karen, Charlie's mum, caught them in the moment where the two were about to kiss.
"I thought you two strongly disliked, each other?" Karen asked her son and the girl, who was still pressed to his chest. Charlie's mum had made sure that she didn't say the word 'hate,' knowing the two, who were becoming closer each day, would've quickly denied anything that the older woman threw at them.
"Mum, feelings change," Charlie simply answered his mum, seeing the smirk come onto his mum's lips as she nodded, "What'd you want, anyway?" He asked the woman, knowing that she had came to find him for one reason only - they needed to hurry up getting changed so that they could start the journey home.
"Just hurry up, but it looks like you're busy. You can either finish this now, or finish later?" Karen suggested to the two, who quickly ripped themselves away from each other so that Charlie could allow himself to go the dressing room - that was beside Leondre's - and so he could start to get ready.
Sarah stood there awkwardly, her gaze on her feet so she didn't have to go through the tension of looking Charlie's mother in the eyes - the woman who had just caught her and her son, the boy who's meant of been her enemy, in the moment of the two about to kiss. "Um, I'm going to find Demi." Sarah mumbled, pointing her finger in front of her as she remembered that her friend had followed Leo, in the same direction as Charlie had gone - a minute ago.
Once again, a school day came around quite rapidly.
Sarah and Charlie had ignored each other after the events that unfolded on Saturday, while Demi and Leo contrasted with that; the two, who acted like they had been in love since their eyes had fell onto each other, were planning their date even more - Leo telling Demi, we'll go wherever you want to go. Which to Sarah and Charlie, was sweet.
The younger two, shocked most people in the hallways as they hugged at the moment when they saw each other. Their best friends giving each other a small smile, which shown that they were not goin to discuss their actions on the day that had gone by, two days ago.
"You know, you're going to have to speak to each other; sooner or later." Leo spoke up as he and Demi came from their hug, the two standing really close to each other as they got to the point where they'd could hold hands or if they turned, kiss.
"I think we choose later, right Charlie?" Sarah answered the brunette, who stood there with a smirk upon his lips as he knew that plan his older friend had in mind.
"Hmm," Charlie said, his head snapping up at the mention of his name before he clicked on, quickly saying, "Oh yeah." Making Leo sigh in defeat at what Sarah had previously said, knowing that Charlie wasn't listening so that meant; he had no clue on what was being discussed.
"Anyway, lessons about to go on; so we'll be leaving." Demi said, grabbing Leo by the t-shirt as she guided him away from their friendship. Leo complained on the way down the long corridor, the groans that he released from his lips as his shirt begun to rub against the skin on his next.
"Want to walk together?" Charlie awkwardly asked Sarah, proposing that the two should start with some sort of conversation and the most that they would talk about was; school.
Charlie's and Sarah's body languages said it all - the event that had taken place on the night of Bars and Melody's concert shouldn't of happened. Except there was one differences in Sarah's body language, and that was; Sarah was slowly beginning to like Charlie.

Hatred to Love - Charlie Lenehan
FanfictionTwo boys, two girls. Hatred. When suddenly, Leondre and Charlie both apologise to Sarah and Demi; making them all become friends, but not long after; feelings start to happen. EDITED