chapter 5

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look at me, updating the same night! aren't you proud? no? lol ok. enjoy :)

Paul escorted me to my seats, Lali was already there, looking starstruck. people were screaming for Paul. Ha ha that's cute. Lali and I had 1st row seats, which was amazing.

i just remembered that i was still wearing Niall's clothes, no wonder people were staring at me. they are probably thinking i stole them from his dressing room, i don't really care though.

when i got to my seat, i could tell Lali had so many questions for me, but luckily the show was about to start and Lali started jumping up and down. Which was weird since she didn't really like the boys as much. Maybe i converted her, which is nice, i always need a best friend to gush over the boys. it is weird to think that i will drool over the boys still, now that i have met them and all, it just feels weird, i don't know. And Niall and I might be hanging out soon, and Harry. I don't know about him, it is complicated.

the boys came out and "Na Na Na" started playing. I just forgot all my worries and turned back into the DIRECTIONER i was and started dancing.

------------I guess you could call this concert....AWKWARD! Niall kept looking over at me and smiling while he was singing and i smiled back, but then all the girls glared at me. That's not good.

When they were singing "More Than This", Harry came over to my side and sang  directly at me, all the girls went nuts, including me. He grabbed my hand and it i felt something. And that scared me because i looked back at Niall and he seemed hurt. I knew he knew i felt something for the curly haired boy. From that point in the show it was hard to have fun, knowing i just hurt Niall.

The most awkwardest part of the show was when the boys were singing "One Thing" and both Niall and Harry were on my side singing to me. When they realized that they both were singing to me, they glared at each other. i literally though one of them was going to throw the first punch. The crowd could feel the tension too. Luckily before anything happen Louis came to the rescue and went between the both of them and high-fived fans. this made Niall and Harry snap out of it and continue performing.

the last three songs of the show were less tense. they tried not looking at me, but i still caught there eye every now and then.

when the boys said goodbye and everything, every single girl ran up to me and started shouting questions. i honestly don't know if they were nice or rude questions or comments. But i feel like they were mostly all rude,that's my school for you. Security had to get Lali and I out of the crowd.

-------Lali and I were now backstage, again. I felt like i shouldn't be there. 

"So what's up with you , Niall, and Harry?" Lali asked.

"I'll tell you when we get home, OK?"

"Alright, i wont forget."

*sigh* I knew she wouldn't.

"Hey girls! Did you enjoy the show?" i looked up hoping it was Niall or Harry, but it was Liam who said this. I love Liam and all, I mean who wouldn't, but i just needed to talk to them.

"It was great! Best performance ever! Well it is the only show i have been, but still amazing." Lali said. What has gotten into this girl?

"Ha ha, that's great Lali. How about you Elena, did you enjoy the show?"

"Of course! i have always wanted to go to one of your shows and now i have! best experience ever!" i said trying to be convincing, I did have a good time at the show, it was just really really tense for me.

"You sure?" Liam knew i was lying.

"I'm not that convincing aren't I?"

" Just a bit off, i know it must have been awkward because of Niall and Harry and they do feel bad. Especially because you got mobbed by all the girls."

"It's fine, i just want to talk to them." really that is all i wanted, to make things somehow right.

" I honestly think that is not the best idea right now, but they wanted me to give you their numbers, so here you go. Don't give them out, please."

" i wont, i promise. But why wont they come out and see me?" i asked

" Well, Niall feels ashamed and he is in a pissy mood and doesn't want you to see him like that, and Harry doesn't want you to see him mad either." Liam explained.

" Oh OK." i said, i really wouldn't have cared but..

" How long will you guys be in New York" Lali asked, i completely forgot she was here.

" we will be here for 3 weeks or more. We have a nice long break, which we really need. So Elena just give them a call. I have to go now." Liam said giving us a hug goodbye.

"Well, do you want to go home or go back to the BBQ?" Lali asked.

"Home." I need sleep.

"okidoke. Let's go, I'll drive!"

-------it was madness when we were leaving. Girls were waiting for the boys, and some girls, who have never acknowledged my existence, were trying to get answers and numbers from me. Of course i didn't, and just ignored them. Paul had to escort us out.

waiting by my car, was Maddie and her friends who all looked very angry at me.

"Hello girls, did you have a nice time?" I asked, not really caring about there answer.

" Fine. So are you and the boys besties now?" Maddie said

" You could say that. We just met, so no."

"If the band breaks up, i am blaming it all on you!"

" what are you talking about? Don't be such a drama queen Maddie. Just get out of my way." i pushed her aside.

" if you associate anymore with the boys i promise i will make your life a living hell!" Maddie screamed.

"You already do." i said getting into the passenger seat of my black Toyota Corolla. Lali drove off, without saying a word.

i can literally feel the tension in my mouth, hah. well i hope this chapter came out good! leave me your comments and all. don't worry i wont get hurt, well maybe just a touch. jk go ahead, leave me your opinions of the story. thanks for reading! -Andrea xoxo

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